


Knowing what takes place while you sleep

Recognising Sleeping Behavior Most people thought sleep was a passive activity in which the body and brain were asleep before the 1950s. According to neurologist Mark Wu, M.D., Ph.D., a sleep expert at Johns Hopkins, "yet it turns out that sleep is a period during which the brain is involved in a variety of critical to life activities—which are directly tied to quality of life." Many of the hours that researchers like Wu are awake are spent trying to learn more about these processes and how they impact both physical and mental health. Here is a glimpse into the significant (and frequently unexpected) findings made by sleep scientists as well as what they are currently striving to learn about the science of sleep. Not Every Sleep Is the Same Your brain will alternate between REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep during the duration of your sleep. Non-REM sleep, which consists of four stages, is the first phase of the cycle. The first phase occurs between the awake and sleeping states. The second is light sleep, during which respiration and heart rate are in control and body temperature decreases. Deep sleep occurs in the third and fourth stages. Newer research indicates that non-REM sleep may be more crucial for learning and memory than REM sleep, which was traditionally thought to be the most significant sleep stage for these functions. Non-REM sleep may also be more relaxing and restorative than REM sleep. The eyelids move quickly beneath closed lids as you cycle into REM sleep, and your brain waves resemble those of alertness. As we dream, our breathing quickens and we experience momentary paralysis of the body. The cycle then repeats again, but with each iteration you spend more time in REM sleep and less time in the deeper phases three and four of sleep. You'll go through four or five times on a regular night. Built-In Sleep Controls in Your Body According to Wu, circadian rhythms and sleep drive are the two fundamental mechanisms that control sleep. The biological clock that regulates circadian rhythms is housed in the brain. One important function of this clock is responding to light cues by increasing melatonin production at night and turning it off when it detects light. Total blindness makes it difficult for some people to fall asleep because they are unable to recognise and react to these light cues. The need for sleep, like the need for food, is a major factor in sleep drive. Your need for sleep increases during the day, and at some point, you must go to bed. A significant distinction between hunger and sleep One significant distinction between hunger and sleep is that your body cannot compel you to eat when you are hungry, whereas it may put you to sleep when you are exhausted, even if you are in a meeting or driving. When you're worn out, your body is even capable of short bursts of microsleep that last just one or two seconds. By reducing your body's drive to sleep, taking a nap later in the day for longer than 30 minutes can disrupt your night's sleep. Why Sleep Is Important The fact that sleep has a substantial impact on brain function won't come as a surprise to you if you've ever felt hazy after a restless night. First, adequate sleep is essential for "brain plasticity," or the brain's capacity to change in response to stimulus. Too little sleep makes it difficult for us to digest what we've learnt during the day and makes it more difficult for us to recall it afterwards. Additionally, it's thought that sleep may facilitate the elimination of waste materials from brain cells, which happens less effectively when the brain is awake. The remainder of the body also needs sleep. The threats to a person's health increase when they don't get enough sleep. Seizures, migraines, high blood pressure, and depressive symptoms all get worse. Immunity is weakened, which raises the risk of disease and infection. The metabolism is influenced by sleep as well; a person who is otherwise healthy can develop prediabetes after just one night of interrupted sleep. Wu asserts that there are very significant correlations between sleep and health.

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Unexpected health signals that might indicate a heart issue

Signals that something is wrong with your heart. The basic symptoms of cardiac problems, such as tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest, are by no means the only ones. People frequently overlook the connection between the symptoms they experience and their true origin, the heart. As a result, individuals may not receive the immediate assistance they require in the event of a heart attack or stroke, or they may have a significant delay in receiving a diagnosis and course of treatment for potential heart disease. An EKG readout with a stethoscope on top. "Most people are more familiar with their bodies than any doctor is. According to Parag Joshi, M.D., a cardiology fellow at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, "in general, if you consistently feel something isn't 'right' or isn't what you're used to, that merits medical attention." The signal that anything is wrong with your heart might come from anywhere in your body. Straight but Unexpected Heart Issues Symptoms Insufficient blood flow via the arteries to the heart is closely associated with a number of body signals pertaining to the heart. These symptoms, however, might not seem immediately linked to the heart. Neck and jaw ache: The heart isn't always the source of chest pain. When it spreads from the chest to the jaw and neck, it is cause for concern. Bloating and nausea: Before they experience chest pain, women in particular frequently express this type of discomfort, which might include vomiting. Overall drowsiness: Less blood reaches your muscles and lungs when your heart can't pump efficiently. A warning sign is having trouble breathing and feeling exhausted while performing regular tasks like walking across a parking lot or climbing stairs. Less Obvious Heart Issues Symptoms Even though there are no obvious links between certain issues and heart disease, getting your heart checked is still recommended, especially if you also have other heart disease risk factors. Sleep disorder . Breathing during sleep is temporarily stopped by this airway collapse, which has been associated to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack. Difficulty getting or keeping an erection: Erectile dysfunction can be a very early symptom of the arterial damage caused by heart disease, despite the fact that many men do not associate these issues with the heart. Blood vessel issues in one area of the body are linked to blood vessel issues in another, according to Joshi. Numbness, pain, or cramping: in the calves while you walk. Peripheral vascular disease (PVD), a circulation issue, may be the cause of this type of leg pain that you experience while you exercise and goes away when you stop. Atherosclerosis, or the accumulation of harmful plaque in the arteries, is frequently present in people with PVD.

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How to improve your attitude as the week begins

How to boost your mood on a new week. Mondays tend to be the least enjoyable of all the days. The weekend is over, the email count keeps rising, and you are so close to your two days off. But one Monday that seems even worse – the day after the last day off – is the so-called “Blue Monday.” This year it will fall on January 17th, and as always, January 20th is known as Blue Monday. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the recession, and social distancing, the rest of us may be even more conscious of this day. Check out why the day following Black Friday has been held in place of ‘Blue Monday’ as the saddest day of the year. Learn that you can prevent it from being part of your holiday blues. What is the Blue Monday to start the week? And why are people consider Blue Monday the most depressing day of the year? Being the Second Monday of the month isn’t likely to be the most depressing day of the month, as the theory says, but we do know there is little to nothing to support the theory. The name Blue Monday was part of a marketing strategy mixed in with 2007, a year in which the British public tried to postpone another ruinous summer of heat and throngs at the beach. The theory is that human lives occur between feast and famine, and when it’s hot and fun, and the weather is fair and sunny, often vacations, trips, and time at the beach or on a cruise ship, and people feel good, happy, and en-joy-able most of the time. These positive vibes make it less likely that they will be thinking about feeling down and sad – they’ That’s why spending too much money over the holidays really hits home. Christmas is great because you’re surrounded by friends and family. Apparently, those amazing goodwill gestures have a huge price that you need to pay. As you make the bills, you imagine exactly what you’ll have to splurge on next year and aren’t invited to emaile unless your expenditure amounts to $0. An unfortunate new year can lead to feelings that you didn't follow through on your resolutions. What seemed promising heading into January can now seem demoralizing, and the feelings can weigh on your overall motivation. Even though you shouldn't feel this way about a new year's resolution, it can make you feel pretty poorly about yourself. Can it impact my mental health? The whole holiday season is filled with anxiety and depression, as the pressure to announce New Year’s resolutions keeps mounting. Get a jump start on the new year this January 27th we talked about the stress of negative holidays. On the other side of the season bridge, there are the cold, long, and darker days, which can also affect one's mental health. Effects often associated with winter weather, like the "winter blues," should not be disregarded and blindly attributed to just the winter weather. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of recurring depression that takes place around the winter seasons and is specifically linked to reduced sunlight. This can cause chemical imbalances in the brain that may cause symptoms like sleeplessness, low concentration, the inability to concentrate, suicidal thoughts, feelings of crankiness or slow movements, and malaise. Some of the overlapping symptoms are oversleeping, fatigue, decreased libido/sexual interest, thoughts of suicide, and difficulty or pain with concentrating and focusing. About two to three percent of Canadians will experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during at least one season of the year, which causes unhappyness. Another 15% feel some minor symptoms of SAD that do not bring them to a state of depression. Some groups of people are at risk of SAD, such as adults, women, and those living in more northern countries or cities. Seways's creative writing Course is côdesigned to be very accessible for students who are either just starting out with creative If you think you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD*, not SAD), it should be investigated with your doctor. A natural light therapy approach is discussed with your doctor, including when to wake and set your alarm. Some people are also prescribed antidepressants to address SAD. There are types of light therapy boxes under development that Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation seeks to commercialize. The technology consists of a device for reading physiological parameters akin to a paperless IVR (interactive voice recognition) for automated light distribution. If you are suffering from symptoms like anxiety, sadness or low mood, antidepressants might be needed to treat these problems since doing so can improve your mood and other symptoms. Someone with a mental health doctor can talk with you to see if an antidepressant is right for your problems. Different ways to beat the winter blues Even though Slowdown Monday is quickly approaching, that doesn’t mean you can’t feel better by adhering to the recommendations for boosterism and goodwill. Here are several recommendations for holiday cheer. 1. Surround yourself with the people you love. Maybe you want to go get a cup of coffee or lunch or create some magical co-workers time with your friends. According to Heliyon, a Blue Monday might be a time to curl up under a blanket with a glass of wine and scroll through my Instagram. If you find yourself in trouble, try and get moving in some active activity. Talk to family and friends or just try some new hobbies. You can talk to a therapist online if you think you are having panic attacks. Drawing on credible evidence, experts recommend online therapy over in-person sessions because you can remains isolated or far away from other people. If you have panic attacks, you can seek help anytime by talking first to your physician and then getting a referral to a therapist. Meditating is like taking a run for the mind. Meditation is like exercise for your mind. It strengthens mental muscles that help keep you calm and focused. Ideally, you should experience an uninterrupted mind for 1 to 2 hours. And while one meditation session does not cure all, it is a great way to experience peace with your mind. Exercise triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin, which in turn boosts your mood. The exercise can be facial, yoga, or gym; however, soon you will be hooked on this activity, getting some exercise becomes an important part of your daily life. How to deal with the Monday morning blues The more weeks we have of “regular” mondays, the more we have of low-key mondays on the anniversary days of the week; consequently, the more horrible mondays we have. (The Blue Monday phenomenon.) If you wake up on Monday mornings with dread that comes with dozens of “regular” Mondays each week, you are not alone The Monday morning blues are rarely dreamt of in other age groups, but per the statistics on millennials – those between the ages of 18 and 29 – suicidal intentions rise the most on Mondays. For these age groups, it is suggested that the cause and impact of the Monday blues can be mitigated by using evidence-based practices and creative strategies for promoting Whether it’s struggling with the daily routine of school, work, or even just worrying about whether or not you can get through a whole week of that makes Monday mornings more troublesome. Whenever you need a boost throw Donkey Monday on. Early to bed grants you a good night's sleep on the days afterward. Avoiding a midday nap, using low lights, and not watching television or using your cell phone in the bedroom further enhances your chances to rest well on these following days. Falling asleep early on Sunday nights requires substantially more effort than other nights of the week, due to your non-work experience. If you find yourself having difficulty getting to sleep early on Sunday nights, avoid napping in the afternoon or evening, use low lighting as you prepare for bed, and try not to Laughing is often added on to the end of Monday. While most people do not laugh in the midst of their Monday nightmare, sitting back and allowing jokes to sail through the night may make some feel a bit better about the whole thing. Of course, alcohol or drugs can take hope away, too. Talk with your funniest friend for some personal jokes, or watch a good stand-up special on Netflix. I believe everybody needs a bit of a chuckle from time to time or cross your eyes with a glint in your eye for truth. At the beginning of the week, make a list of things for which you’re happy and motivated. Even though your list can include weekends and nights, they can still help motivate you at work the following week. Much has been said about the wondrous benefits of vitamin D, but there are myriad ways to get a healthy dose. A few ways to boost your intake include going for a walk with your pet, taking a midday excursion to where it’s sunny, and (depending on your concerns) choosing to go “vitamin D” rather than “vitamin A, Do not overdo things. If you're trying to schedule a full day of work, going to the gym, preparing for dinner, and then planning on completing a gourmet meal, play it in smaller chunks. Stretch your schedule to keep you on track by working out for a smaller period of time and choosing a simpler recipe to complete that evening. What can I do to look after my mental health? While Blue Monday was a marketing gimmick, feeling blue during the beginning of the year can adversely affect a person's mental health no matter what day of the year it is. Sometimes, you've just got to go see a psychologist, say people maintaining steady relationships with loved ones. These common symptoms to watch out for include obsessing over everything from art to a lover, struggling with low moods, dramatic changes in your sex drive, or concentration problems, wine binging and slimming programs. Sometimes, symptoms are visible. Maybe you aren’t experiencing any data above, but you simply want someone outside of your circle to talk about stressful changes in your life and work, relationships, and family. There’s help for that. Ref: GetMaple

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Why you should recognise the relationship between sleep and depression?

Why you should know how anxiety and sleep are related Sleep issues and depression go hand in hand. For instance, those who experience insomnia may be ten times more likely to develop depression than those who obtain a decent night's sleep. And 75% of those who suffer from depression have problems sleeping or staying asleep. What happens first? According to Patrick H. Finan, Ph.D., a sleep researcher at Johns Hopkins, "Any one could serve as the beginning point." Poor sleep may make it harder for you to control your emotions, which could make you more susceptible to depression months or even years from now. Additionally, sadness itself is linked to sleep issues, including reduced amounts of restorative slow-wave sleep each night. Regular concerns like low income, a fight with your spouse, or a hectic evening commute may make it harder for you to go asleep and stay asleep if you have depression than they would be for someone without it. If you are suffering from both insomnia and depression, knowing how they are related might help you identify risks earlier, seek the correct care, and recover more fully. You'll regain your energy, feel relaxed, and be able to enjoy life once more. What you should know about sleep and depression is as follows: Consider your sleep issues carefully. If any of the following apply to you: Difficulty sleeping or falling asleep Feel exhausted during the day Feel exhausted during the day Treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for insomnia and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines for apnea can help you get back to a decent night's sleep, preventing disorders like depression that are associated to poor sleep. (Depression risk is five times higher in people with sleep apnea.) Keep an eye out for depressive symptoms. These include feeling depressed, hopeless, or unhappy; having difficulties focusing or remembering things; losing your energy; feeling sleepy during the day; losing interest in once-enjoyable activities; or having suicidal or fatal thoughts. If you experience any of these, tell your doctor. (If you are contemplating suicide, call 911.) This is crucial if you're talking to your doctor about your insomnia. Finan argues that insomnia "may be a separate disorder or it may be a marker of depression." To treat the appropriate issue, "your doctor has to know as much as feasible." Receive sleep and depression support. Don't assume that getting therapy for one would instantly make the other go away if you have both insomnia and sadness. Selected serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other antidepressants are treatments for depression that may enhance your mood and outlook, but they might not be sufficient to enhance your sleep. There is some evidence to suggest that patients receiving therapy for depression are more likely to experience lasting sleep issues. The good news is that CBT-I (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia), when used in conjunction with depression medication, appears to enhance sleep in depressed individuals and may even raise the likelihood that a depressive episode will eventually go away.

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Four (4) natural ways to reduce stress in Nigeria

Mental Integrative Treatments Over the last five years, stress levels, according to nearly half of women, have increased. Additionally, we know that chronic stress is a factor in a number of health issues in both sexes, including mental health disorders, heart disease, and obesity, even though women and men often handle stress in different ways. Integrative therapies like acupuncture and meditation can aid in reducing stress and its associated issues. Due to research showing these methods to have beneficial benefits on health, they are becoming more widely accepted. Since both the brain and the body contribute to symptoms, managing stress necessitates addressing both the mind and the body. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Meditation Therapies like mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and meditation have been shown to be effective in treating depression and anxiety. Mindfulness is an age-old technique that promotes relaxation by emphasising breathing and present-moment understanding of the body. A programme called MBSR helps people become more conscious of how unfavourable thoughts affect their bodily sensations. It does this by drawing on the concepts of meditation. Benefits of MBSR, according to research, include: Less anxiety and distress Enhanced concentration and recollection Less psychological lurching and more stability Enhanced connections Evidence suggests that mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques like meditation are particularly effective at treating mood disorders, and professionals strongly advise them. Therapy using Cognitive Behaviour Talk therapy with an emphasis on identifying and challenging unfavourable, frequently incorrect attitudes that might contribute to behavioural and mental health issues, such as anxiety, is known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). According to research, those who receive CBT experience a higher decrease in mental health symptoms than those who only utilise medicine. There is strong evidence to support the efficacy of MBSR, CBT, and meditation. These methods are all risk-free and have no negative side effects. Anyone who is motivated can practise them independently. It is vital to discuss your symptoms with your doctor since, while integrative medicine may complement traditional care, it does not serve as a substitute. Acupuncture to activate the neurological and immunological systems Tiny needles are used in the traditional Chinese medicine procedure known as acupuncture to activate the neurological and immunological systems. A certified acupuncturist places hair-thin needles under the skin at predetermined sites on the body throughout the process. Research demonstrates that acupuncture, which is painless, supports conventional treatment for a variety of issues, including stress, chronic pain, and digestive disorders. Experts point out that it might work especially well for insomnia. Massage therapy Although a lot of us view massage as a special, luxurious treat, studies show that it can be effective in treating a number of stress-related conditions, such as anxiety and sleeplessness. While a single treatment is beneficial, many massages may be even more beneficial. It's essential to discuss massage therapy with your doctor to determine if it's good for you. Individuals with certain illnesses, such as blood problems or osteoporosis, might not be able to use it.

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How diabetes increases the risk of heart disease

Diabetes in Women Can Lead to Earlier Cardiovascular Risk Diabetes is one of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease in both men and women. According to epidemiological research, those with diabetes have a greater than twice as high risk of developing cardiovascular disease as those without the condition. Premenopausal women are included in this, who are typically at lower risk for cardiovascular disease. A decade before women, males typically develop heart disease in their 40s and 50s. But for diabetic women, this is typically not the case. The cardiovascular risk starts early for diabetic women. Premenopausal women who have diabetes lose a lot of the protection they would otherwise receive from estrogen. Heart disease and diabetes in women Cardiovascular risk is significantly influenced by the level of blood glucose or blood sugar, as well as by how much it adheres to red blood cells and restricts the blood's ability to carry oxygen. The haemoglobin A1C test is a crucial way to assess blood sugar levels over a three-month period. One of the proteins that carries oxygen in the blood is haemoglobin. Diabetes is a condition that affects both major and small blood vessels, including the coronary arteries (such as arteries that carry blood to nerve endings and kidneys). Diabetes may have an impact on the cardiovascular system through disturbing the body's oxygenation by glucosylating blood proteins and attaching glucose to them causing the clumping of proteins that carry cholesterol, such as LDL (bad) cholesterol, which increases the formation of plaque in the vessel walls, producing fatty acids that can eat away at blood vessel proteins, a major contributor to blood vessel inflammation, which has a substantial role in accelerating the onset of atherosclerosis. Factors at risk for developing diabetes The precise causation of diabetes is not entirely understood. However, there are a number of risk factors for developing diabetes, some of which are more prevalent in women: Family diabetes history Obesity or excess weight Inadequate exercise Being over 45 years old Pregnancy weight increase brought on by having a big baby Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition that can occasionally be identified by increased insulin levels, affects the ovaries. Being an ethnic minority, such as African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, or Pacific Islanders, where diabetes is more common In addition to abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome can also involve high blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) Diabetes Symptoms High blood sugar levels are associated with diabetes symptoms. An oral glucose tolerance test can accurately detect blood sugar levels when symptoms and/or risk factors are present. To ensure proper measurement, this is actually a set of tests conducted over several hours. The degree of diabetic symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on when it is discovered. Symptoms of high blood sugar include: Unaccounted-for weight loss Excessive and ongoing hydration or hunger Often urinating Both male and female scrotal yeast infections (vaginal area) Distorted vision Cardiovascular system and cardiac function-related symptoms can include: Nerve injury Breathlessness and general intolerance to exercise Women frequently have unusual heart discomfort, such as jaw, back, and/or neck pain. Swelling in the limbs due to fluid buildup in the lungs Heart attack Proper Care for Diabetes The conditions linked to diabetes must often also be treated. It's crucial to carefully and regularly control weight, nutrition, and exercise because many diabetics are overweight or obese. In order to effectively manage diabetes and its accompanying illnesses, open and honest communication between the patient and the primary care physician is crucial. This is due to the sensitivity of discussing weight issues and the variety of ways that people perceive the term "fat." Sometimes all that is required to control blood pressure, sugar, insulin, and cholesterol levels is to reduce calorie, fat, salt, and sugar intake and add supervised exercise programmes. In other cases, it can be necessary to introduce any of a wide range of drugs. Everything relies on the patient's health, the patient's condition, and the severity of their diabetes. The Difficulty and Value of Leading a Healthy Life For persons with limited spare time, packaged food heavy in sugar, calories, and salt is affordable, very accessible, and very alluring. But it's crucial to make the effort to reduce portion sizes, adhere to a balanced diet, and incorporate physical activity into a daily routine in addition to taking the time to understand your hereditary risks and acknowledge your unique situation. It's crucial to be preventive and discuss diabetes and its companion diseases, such as hypertension and cholesterol issue, with a primary-care doctor.

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What are the benefits of using telemedicine?

Rewards from Telemedicine Telemedicine, which allows for phone or video consultations between a patient and their doctor, is advantageous for convenience and health. More medical professionals now offer to "see" patients over a computer or smartphone. In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, health institutions are increasing their telehealth choices and offering virtual appointments, according to Brian Hasselfeld, M.D., Johns Hopkins Medicine's assistant medical director for digital health innovations. Even for individuals who don't consider themselves computer literate, telemedicine has become simpler because to advancements in technology. Patients can request a virtual visit with a number of Johns Hopkins doctors, practitioners, and therapists through the MyChart online platform or mobile app. Telehealth, often known as telemedicine, has a number of benefits, including: Convenience and comfort When you're ill, telemedicine eliminates the need for you to drive to the doctor's office or clinic, park, stroll, or wait in a waiting area. You can visit your doctor while relaxing on your sofa or bed at home. It may be simpler to fit virtual visits into your hectic schedule. Depending on your schedule, you might not even need to make child care arrangements or take time off from work when using telemedicine. Prevention of Infectious Disease Doctors can use telemedicine consultations to prescreen patients for potential infectious diseases in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, the flu, and other contagious diseases. Additionally, it prevents sick people from having to visit the office. Everyone benefits from less contact with other people's germs, but notably those who are immunocompromised, pregnant, elderly, or chronically ill. Ties with Family It's often beneficial to have a family member accompany you when seeing your doctor so they can assist you with information, ask questions, and record the doctor's responses. If you give permission, telemedicine can include your family member in the virtual visit even if they live elsewhere in the city or even the nation. Primary care and managing chronic conditions Your family's health depends on regular consultations with primary care physicians, including those with specialties in internal medicine, family medicine, and paediatrics. It is simple to get in touch with a doctor or nurse practitioner thanks to telemedicine. It can be quicker when processes are set up so that new patients can schedule an appointment with the next practitioner who is available.

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Why it’s necessary to monitor your mental health in Nigeria?

Why it's important to check in on your mental health Cognition isn’t always accorded the same regard as physical illness. Unsurprisingly, feeling unwell mentally or emotionally is as valid as being ill physically. While it is true that ignoring one’s mental state does not necessarily make you feel better—and can actually have detrimental effects on all aspects of a person’s life—this needn’t be the case.The cure lies in providing the mental health treatment that may be necessary. Mental health affects people's lives in different ways. What are some of the issues and how does mental health affect your life? Your mental health dictates the quality of life. It supports you in overcoming negative life causing circumstances and learning to bounce back from adversity. Changes in the way you feel will affect your mood, frame of mind, and how you bond with other people around you. If your beliefs begin to affect your life, it may be a sign that you are struggling with a mental illness. In general, poor mental health leads to a negative impact on physical health conditions. Individuals with diagnosed disorders can even risk dying earlier than expected. Simply having that certain diagnosis can even shorten your life expectancy. What are the main causes of mental health problems? Scientists believe genetics can make you more vulnerable to mental illness. However, what is not written in your genes may be the determining factor in what happens to them. Your environment can influence how your genes are turned on or off. The most obvious case of this is the effect your childhood and adult experiences have on you. If you have been abused, neglected, or discriminated against, it can contribute to major depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Abuse, discrimination, and harassment in one’s adult years also contribute to psychiatric disorders. Beyond your environment, physical issues or defects within the brain can contribute to psychiatric disorders. Research has demonstrated changes in the limbic system, temporal gyrus, and frontal cortex of the brain are associated with MDD.A connection between gut health and mental illness has also been explored in recent studies. Scientists have established that the brain itself is largely made of chemicals, some of which are secreted by certain cells within your digestive tract, have discovered a direct connection between your gut bacteria and some parts of your brain, and that these long-living microorganisms can directly affect brain functioning by giving neurotransmitters a boost. Therefore, many mental health conditions appear to originate from the gut, and identifying and managing this connection is proving essential for scientific and public health. Clearly, there’s much more to discover in this arena, including the precise contribution that the gut What are the signs of mental health issues that should prompt you to seek help? To be maintained or improved, it’s imperative to seek additional support when you’re dealing with mental health struggles. Some people, nonetheless, are able to manage their disorders without more support. Dealing with conditions like these may include: If desired, choose two of the strategies Thoughts of harming or killing yourself, any decisions to hurt or kill yourself or others behaviours causing problems in your personal or professional life Unpleasant or obsessive thoughts Selective worry, anxiety, or agitation Having trouble concentrating Unpredictable or shocking thoughts Having problems with thoughts About ultimatums Unpredictable or extreme mood What is mental health and how can you achieve it? Mental health is not always happily depends on levels of happiness. In idea, everyone will experience emotional up and downs. If you are able to handle these fluctuations, you can weather them through with as they have there request. Despite feelings of anxiety and stress, you will still be able to function and eventually bring yourself back to a neutral or positive feeling. Working to maintain relationships is also a positive indicator of mental health. Forming and maintaining personal bonds is challenging when you are feeling mental health issues. No relationship is perfect, but engaging socially if you are introvert or extrovert, that's a good sign. Facilitating relationships with others who display moods and emotional instability is a tall challenge, but accomplishing the daily tasks you need to achieve is a marker of health. How can I make myself healthier? Emotions, just like those feelings of guilt or guiltiness, feelings of anger or anger, may seem like they live their own life. After all, they are powerful. However, sharing that “feeling,” being conscious of that identity, may be a less powerful. Store this as necessary. Let’s spend the time creating What are the most common mental health disorders? Symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) top the list of the most common mental-health problems in Nigeria. These conditions are often referred to as anxiety disorders because they are characterized by excessive worry, anxiety, or fear. A poll conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic showed 19 percent of Nigerians experienced mood or anxiety disorders that caused significant distress, or made life difficult for them.

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How to know that I have anxiety?

Am I experiencing anxiety, OCD, or both? On the other hand, without taking effective action, individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often become trapped in obsessive loops. They often understand that they are engaging in strange and disruptive behaviour, but they aren't able to stop themselves from creating these loops for no positive reason. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health problem that involves excessive worrying, which gives people the mistaken idea that anxiety is the reason they are worried. Despite their connection, anxiety and OCD have fewer in common then people think. How similar are OCD and anxiety?? The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) devotes a larger chunk of space to OCD in their Anxiety Disorders diagnosis. It was once referred to as an anxiety disorder, but that was changed to a specific identity disorder in there too. With this in mind, both social anxiety and OCD may share an underlying, feared outcome, such as getting rejected or fired from one’s job. These unwanted thoughts or feelings can be very intense. They also tend to be excessive and uncorrectable. OCD compels people to perform compulsive behaviours that deal with avoidances in reaction to their upsetting or obsessive thoughts. Consider someone who fears that they missed if a friend or family member dies — a terrible possibility. They know that their thoughts are bizarre, irrational, and magical thinking. 5. Words and Phrases: Words and Phrases Despite this, they still feel compelled to complete room cleaning rituals despite the social consequences. OCD typically results in people exhibiting their fears using just a few different risks that they anticipate. For these people, their rituals are highly specific. With GAD, your worries are very much out of the realm of reasonable concern. Individuals experiencing GAD may find themselves consumed by thoughts about a multitude of different topics. While their worrying is often exaggerated, it is not beyond what we should all be concerned with. The type of worrying that is common in GAD doesn’t feel more real than the concerns we’d normally have. You may find yourself concerned about an employee performance appraisal, or what you may be overheard saying at a social gathering. Individuals with G Moreover, this type of depression does not feel that he or she needs to participate in rituals before avoiding them. The individual feels only anxiety when being anywhere they perceive to be lonely. There is often no escape from the anxiety and is likely to spend few hours a day browsing social media and looking for an “ Is anxiety the root behind OCD? In some people, OCD can manifest with anxiety, and you might believe that it is “controllable,” but in fact, OCD can happen that has nothing to do with anxiety. For example, you might believe that checking all the light switches and appliances in your home will burn the house down and cause a fire. While you encounter anxiety, this belief might cause you to engage in a ritual, such as checking the switches and How do I know if I'm obsessive? You have heard someone mention that they “have tendencies toward perfectionism,” because they are super neat or can’t stand when things are out of place. However, “perfectionism” is not the same as “having obsessive-compulsive disorder.” A person is more likely to Compulsive rituals or behaviours that your mind does to help you overcome the consequences of a traumatic experience counted as a mental illness are actually quite common. Maybe you grew up afraid of doing something that would put your mother in a bad situation, like stepping on a sewer grate or shaky floor. Or maybe you run to wash your hands every time you are around someone that has an illness. Neither of these means you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). To be diagnosed with OCD, symptoms must be causing stress or impairing your social, occupational, or other important daily life. Otherwise, it is a false diagnosis and you do not have it. Signs and symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder can range from mild to extreme. It includes: Inconsistent and recurrent thoughts, images or urges that you can’t control the need to perform self-harm as a response to each, and you have no compulsions. Obsessions and compulsions can take many forms, but common themes include: - Repeated thoughts and feelings - Compulsive rituals - Repeated words - A fear of contamination can create obsessive-compulsive behavior. The fear of fire often triggers cleaning rituals. The fear of burglary may cause compulsive checking of doors and the stove. If things are not neat or orderly, this triggers an attempt to get things ordered. Disordered thinking characterized by repetitive, excessive, or inappropriate thoughts or behaviors that have an impact on the person’s attitude or functioning is called OCD. People with OCD develop an unwanted or useless repetitive thought or action to reduce fear or manage anxiety, which results in suffering. People with specific phobias cannot be triggered unless they encounter their feared stimuli, and if they do encounter stressors that stimulate their phobia, they feel a considerable amount of stress because of the motivating force phobia. Signs and symptoms of anxiety Anxiety can take over your life at any time. Anxiety disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can turn normal anxieties into overwhelming feelings. Some of the minor forms of anxiety that seem prevalent may include the following: A persistent feeling of anxiety or dread that causes you to feel distressed or reduced functionality. Difficult to control, with muscle tension, feelings keyed up or on edge, trouble concentrating, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue. What are the current prevalence of anxiety and OCD disorders? 1 out of every 10 in Canada experience a common mental health disorder with about 1 in 5 of them being in a more severe stage. An 'adapted' amount of anxiety serves a larger purpose, although it is very unpleasant. Normally nothing bad will happen if you're anxious about an exam, or if you refrain from performing an office party. This level of anxiety sounds like anxiety, which is a normal, but unpleasant, emotion. For those with anxiety disorders, this feeling of apprehension is much stronger when they are faced with a specific, risky situation. For people suffering from a panic disorder, the fear they feel is proportional to the situation. You can't be diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder for observing an internal five step pattern you establish or for having intrusive thoughts that bother you. Although most people will experience some degree of OCD at some point in their lives, the essential things to note is that the following indicate a disorder: WLFE. For more pearls of word trope wisdom, subscribe to The Daily Compost on YouTube or visit this link to subscribe. By the way, most of the original Aristocracy corresponding to my pen name, Steven Brevoort, do not resemble stereotypical aristocrats at all How is it possible to have OCD and anxiety? A 2015 U.S. survey revealed that up to 90% of individuals diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) meet the criteria for at least one other psychological disorder. The relationship between OCD and anxiety disorders is complex because the majority of people with a diagnosis of anxiety disorders are also diagnosed with OCD; yet, about one third of OCD patients do not have any You can distinguish between the two conditions of intrusive thoughts or anxieties in the following way. People with OCD don’t know that their compulsions are silly. They may realize that washing compulsions aren’t necessary, however they keep doing them anyway. When you suffer from GAD, you usually feel anxious about events in your life or things you have experienced in your daily life. These sensations can be quite loud, but they sometimes feel disproportionate to the situations you are experiencing. One thing is for certain, your symptoms tend to be more amplified and qualify as a GAD. Additional distinctions between GAD and OCD include the anxiety component. With GAD, your anxiety is more likely to have numerous areas involved, such as fear of rodents biting you in public, driving, work, and the like; OCD, on the other hand, will most likely affect a few distinct themes. For example, if a person who has OCD is worried about leaving money outside on the ground, while having What causes OCD and anxiety to get worse? Not only are individuals with both anxiety and OCD experiencing waves of anxiety and OCD, but they are also experiencing waves of increased emotional interference throughout the coronavirus pandemic. These feelings of emotion non-control, especially in the context of exposure therapy, can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety and OCD, which in turn can cause more anxiety and OCD after the coronavirus outbreak subsides. This vicious cycle is often causing an increased level of distress for anxiety and OCD patients. Treatment for OCD Recurrent episodes of obsessive-compulsive disorders can occur throughout one's lifetime, and maintaining effective stress management can be a key component in managing this disorder. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are very effective in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but they often need to be used in combination with other therapies like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). If you have OCD, your doctor might prescribe fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Celexa), or sertraline (Zoloft) as part of your treatment ERP calls for gradual confrontation. It’s possible to engage in counting a lot while preparing for bed. So a psychologist uses activities designed to engage the afflicted person in counting incorrectly or to sing instead. This letter advises students to stop counting compulsively, so they can come up with one of four possible scenarios that come into their thoughts. The idea is that this replacement of the compulsion with an alternative narrative lessens its power to control the illusion. In severe, comparatively treatment-resistant cases of OCD, neurosurgery is often considered a last resort. The procedure involved has opposing benefits and risks, and the decision to undergo such surgery is automatically controversial. It is not recommended for everyone with extreme OCD symptoms. Treatment for anxiety Medication can certainly help with treating anxiety. You might have a better understanding of benzodiazepines — a large group of drugs that includes clonazepam or lorazepam — for dealing with anxieties. These drugs can cause physical dependency, and a number of ill-associated effects such as drowsiness and memory or attention problems. If you believe that your OCD might be severe enough to warrant physical addiction, your doctor may be more likely to prescribe you a non-benzodiazepine anti-anxiety medication. It might also be prescribed with an SSRI or TCA to enhance the chance of success, and you may be offered adaptive coping strategies to instill self-management. To treat anxiety, this often involves cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). The treatment alerts people to stressful thoughts and subconscious ideas. The patient is then encouraged to replace these thoughts with more realistic ones. CBT may entail practicing breathing techniques or meditation, practicing progressive muscle relaxation which involves tensing and relaxing various muscle groups, in order to help the body know when to How Maple can help you lead a balanced lifestyle If you are looking for help mapping out your mental health strategy, make seeing a mental health physician your next action. A mental health physician can diagnose or help treat your condition by prescribing the right medication if you have OCD or anxiety. He or she can also help you pinpoint the next best steps to take. A “doctor” might also guide you to find that counsellor or psychotherapist who suits you best. If you’re looking to try out for CMT as a resident or ERP, speaking to a therapist remotely can start you on that journey. With Maple, you can reserve a session and make an appointment at the time of your choice from the convenience of your home – that's just how seamless and secure these interventions can be.

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