Home remedies for hypertension
Home remedies for high blood pressure Most experts recommend that you avoid home remedies for high blood pressure. If you're taking blood pressure medicine, you should take your medicine as prescribed. You can also talk to your doctor about making any lifestyle changes you want to make. A few home remedies have been proven to help lower blood pressure. You may try these if you want to reduce your blood pressure or want to stop taking your blood pressure medicine: - Don't smoke. - Eat a diet that's low in salt and sodium. - Try foods high in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables. - Try exercise. - Avoid caffeine. - Try breathing exercises. - Eating healthy A healthy diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, which reduces your risk of high blood pressure. Learn about how to make better food choices. Developing a heart-healthy diet A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products may help prevent heart disease. Studies show that people with higher blood pressure were more likely to have hypertension when they ate more meat, refined grains, and sweets. EXERCISE AND STRESS MANAGEMENT. Exercise helps you manage your stress. Exercise can also help reduce the stress of living with hypertension. YOUR FATHER'S AGE. Some studies suggest that people with a father who was diagnosed with high blood pressure before age 60 are more likely to have hypertension than those whose fathers didn't have hypertension. This may be because they have inherited the tendency to have high blood pressure from their fathers. HEART ATTACKS. Studies show that people who have a history of heart attacks are more likely to have high blood pressure. This may be because the damage to a heart muscle or artery caused by a heart attack can cause arteries to stick together, leading to high blood pressure. Increasing physical activity Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help you maintain your weight, manage blood pressure, and make your heart and lungs stronger. It can also help prevent or treat other health conditions. Exercise can be as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood, playing a game of tennis or golf, or going for a swim. Talk with your doctor to see if any of these activities are right for you.,If your doctor advises you to exercise, make sure you do it safely. If you're a novice exerciser, you may want to start slowly and build up your exercise time gradually. If you have hypertension, your doctor may advise you to limit your exercise to fewer than 30 minutes at a time. If you have a pacemaker, your doctor may advise you to avoid exercise during your recovery from surgery or other medical procedures. Relaxing your mind. Relaxing your mind may help you lower your blood pressure. Reaching an optimal weight Obesity is the single most important risk factor for high blood pressure. When you have too much body fat, your blood pressure can increase. Lose weight If you're obese, your doctor may recommend that you lose weight. To help with weight loss, try these tips: - Consume smaller amounts of food throughout the day. - Eat at regular times.- Keep a food diary to help you manage portion sizes. Limit your alcohol If you're moderate in your use of alcohol, you can control your blood pressure. For heart health, stay within these guidelines: - One drink a day for men, and one drink a day for women. - Women who drink more than three drinks a week are at increased risk for high blood pressure. - Men who drink more than five drinks a week are also at risk. - Staying hydrated. Managing stress If you find that you stress out a lot, you may be able to reduce this by developing a healthier lifestyle, including changes to your diet and exercise habits. Wash your hands By washing your hands frequently, you can prevent the spread of germs. This can reduce your risk of infection, which can increase your risk of high blood pressure. Get enough sleep Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, as recommended by your doctor. Adding exercise If you have hypertension, your doctor may recommend that you begin physical activity, such as walking, to help lower your blood pressure. Lose weight If you're overweight, losing weight can help reduce your blood pressure. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol Smoking raises blood pressure, and alcohol can cause dehydration, which can raise blood pressure. In addition, smoking and heavy drinking can increase your risk for coronary artery disease. If your doctor has recommended a smoking ban in your home, go along with it. Monitoring your blood pressure Regular monitoring of your blood pressure is important. It can help keep your blood pressure under control, and prevent a number of complications that can develop with hypertension. To monitor your blood pressure, your doctor may recommend: - a home blood pressure monitor - a blood pressure cuff - a blood pressure monitor that you wear for several days Consuming a healthy diet and exercising If you have high blood pressure, a heart-healthy diet can help you manage it. Aim for:,- fruits,- vegetables,- whole grains, - lean proteins like fish. Aim to get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.
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