There has been a lot of concern about what milk alternative to take since approximately 65% of the world’s population is lactose-intolerant.
Lactose is the main type of carb in all kinds of milk produced by mammals – humans, cows, goats, sheep, others.
Most people who routinely had milk with their morning cereal used whole milk. But with the increasing concern for fat in the diet and allergies, many people have switched to low-fat or skim milk.
The fuss about lactose?
Lactose intake is perceived to cause digestive issues in people with lactose allergies. Cow milk may be highly sensitive for patients who suffer from diarrhea, asthma, bloating and irritability.
While the general advice is to manage the symptoms by eliminating lactose in their diets, what then is the fate of people who totally relish milk and still want some of its unique nutrients? It is, therefore, to go for lactose-reduced milk.
Goat Milk as an Alternative for Lactose
There are great alternatives like goat’s milk to consider. A significant number of people are opting for it already.
Over the years, goat’s milk has proven to be a natural alternative to cow milk and can comfortably be consumed by many patients who suffer from cow milk allergies.
You might say that goat milk just like every other milk contains lactose too, but many people with lactose intolerance can guzzle goat milk comfortably. This is because goat milk is more superior when it comes to digestibility. It’s easily absorbed compared to cow milk, leaving less undigested residue behind in the colon.
Goat milk is a nutritious dairy option for many patients of different age groups and lifestyle needs. It’s the truth. Goat milk is an excellent source of calcium important in the prevention of high blood pressure, osteoporosis and other bone-related problems. For menopausal women, goat milk is proven to provide 13% more calcium than cow milk and can be consumed comfortably even by those women with milk sensitivity. Goat milk is an excellent option for any patient who is cow milk sensitive and is necessarily concerned with obtaining adequate calcium from a natural dietary source.
Funnily, in some cases it may not even be that the patient is lactose intolerant at all. But instead, the patient may actually be reacting to alpha S1 casein protein, which is the major protein of the milk of cow. The symptoms are almost identical to those of allergies for lactose.
Bottom line is goat milk like the milk of human does not have this offending protein. This is the reason it’s a great alternative you can consider if you are allergic to cow milk.