Stress can be both helpful and harmful, using appropriate stress management would help you reap its benefits.
Stress is a psychological, physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed on them and the ability to meet the demands, which over a period of time, leads to deterioration in health.
We all go through stress one time or the other in our lives. Whether it is at work, in Lagos traffic or at home, everyone experiences stress.
However, appropriate stress management is required to ensure one does not come down with symptoms such as:
- Easy fatigability
- Insomnia
- Excessive eating or loss of appetite
- Constant headaches
- Irritability
- Nausea
- Difficulty concentrating,
- and various more symptoms.
There are Three Stages of Stress.
- The Alarm Stage.
- The Adaptation Stage.
- The exhaustion or recovery stage.
The Alarm Stage.
This is where our bodies are prepared for flight-or-fight response to whatever is causing the stress. The body is ready to face the perceived threat or escape from it.
The Adaptation Stage.
At this stage, the body adapts to the presence of a constant stressor if the stressful situation has not been resolved.
The Exhaustion or Recovery Stage.
This stage can go either way. The body may recover if the body succeeds in resolving the stressors effect. However, if the body does not succeed, exhaustion sets in and burn out occurs. This may lead to mental ailments such as depression, anxiety disorders, also other medical conditions.
6 Steps For Effective Stress Management

1. Understand the Stressor.
It would help if you can identify the cause of the stressful situation or even triggers to the stressor.
2. Recognize Stress Symptoms.
This involves you being able to state if you are stressed out or not before one gets to the exhaustion or burn out stage.
3. Have a Healthy Lifestyle.
Studies have shown that proper diet and exercise have helped to reduce the effects of stressors in our bodies.
4. Make Self-care a Priority.
Most people tend to bury themselves in work or school or any stressful activity and completely forget self-care. It is important to make self-care a priority.
5. Have a Stress Strategy.
Recognize your go-to tactic or your coping mechanism when in a stressful situation so as to use it to help resolve effects of stress faster.
6. Ask for Help.
If you are overwhelmed and you need support, please endeavor to ask for it from a family member, a friend or a colleague. Also speaking to a health care professional can also reduce stress.
Stress is a normal factor in our everyday lives, however the ability to resolve the causative situation to ensure fast recovery instead of having to undergo and exhaustion is very much important as well.