
Day: August 9, 2022

Knowing what takes place while you sleep

Knowing what takes place while you sleep

Recognising Sleeping Behavior Most people thought sleep was a passive activity in which the body and brain were asleep before the 1950s. According to neurologist Mark Wu, M.D., Ph.D., a sleep expert at Johns Hopkins, "yet it turns out that sleep is a period

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Unexpected health signals that might indicate a heart issue

Unexpected health signals that might indicate a heart issue

Signals that something is wrong with your heart. The basic symptoms of cardiac problems, such as tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest, are by no means the only ones. People frequently overlook the connection between the symptoms they experience and their true origin, the heart.

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How to improve your attitude as the week begins

How to improve your attitude as the week begins

How to boost your mood on a new week. Mondays tend to be the least enjoyable of all the days. The weekend is over, the email count keeps rising, and you are so close to your two days off. But one Monday that seems

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