
Author: magbaje

How Telemedicine Helps in Suicide Prevention

How Telemedicine Helps in Suicide Prevention

With over 700,000 people committing suicide every year, there’s no gainsaying suicide is fast becoming a scourge that directly or indirectly affects everyone. In light of the above, September 10 is globally recognized as World Suicide Prevention Day. This day was introduced by the

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How Telemedicine Helps to Improve Preventive Healthcare

How Telemedicine Helps to Improve Preventive Healthcare

Many diseases out there have devastating long-term effects on your health if left unchecked. However, even when you detect these illnesses early, the chances of successfully managing or treating them are not exactly perfect. This is where preventive healthcare comes into play. In this

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panic attacks

Everything You Need to Know about Panic Attacks

Have you ever felt a sudden, overwhelming wave of fear take over your body such that your heart pounds, you find it difficult to breathe, and it’s almost like you are losing your mind or dying? That experience can be described as a panic

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What You Need to Know about Insomnia

What You Need to Know about Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleeping disorder that prevents people from falling and staying asleep. To show you how prevalent insomnia is in Nigeria, according to a survey carried out by the Department of Family Medicine at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals, about six

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Everything You Need to Know about Over-the-Counter Drugs

Everything You Need to Know about Over-the-Counter Drugs

Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs are used to treat a variety of conditions, from headaches to stomach aches. OTC medications are quite popular because they do not require a prescription from a doctor before purchasing them. Since these drugs have the potential of causing life-threatening reactions

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Everything You Need to Know About Depression

Everything You Need to Know About Depression

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), close to 10% of Nigerians are struggling with one type of depression or the other. Perhaps, the most common misconception about depression is that it’s similar to feeling sad or down. It would interest you to know

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What Will Healthcare Look Like in 2050

What Will Healthcare Look Like in 2050?

Healthcare is developing with each passing year. New innovations and technologies are being introduced within the industry, creating excitement and hope among medical practitioners, researchers, and patients alike for the future. This makes a lot of people wonder: what will healthcare look like in

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How to Know If You Need to Consult a Psychologist

How to Know If You Need to Consult a Psychologist

While it can be helpful to talk to family and friends about certain issues bothering you, there comes a time when you need to seek professional help. A psychologist can help you get to the root of your problems, and put you on the

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A Close Look at the Healthcare Industry Since the Turn of the Century

Healthcare is a basic amenity needed by everyone irrespective of status in society. While it is the responsibility of government at all levels to provide the needed primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare infrastructure, funding, and manpower, well-meaning individuals and corporate bodies need to complement

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Man under stress

6 Effective Stress Management Techniques

Stress can be both helpful and harmful, using appropriate stress management would help you reap its benefits. Stress is a psychological, physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed on them and the ability

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