What is the best time to see a doctor?
When is the ideal time to visit a doctor? Anyone who is sick for more than two weeks or has a lingering illness should seek medical attention. The doctor can examine the person and come up with the reason for the sickness and the proper treatment. In addition, a physician will sometimes advise patients on making lifestyle changes that may also work to help relieve symptoms. Just like in the case of eating, it is critically important to consult a doctor before getting serious about sickness. Should I see a doctor? It’s a question many people ask. Despite what you may tell yourself, major symptoms and incidents aren’t the only reasons to go see the doctor. In fact, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common reason for illness-related doctor’s visits in 2012 was a cough. Whatever your situation, remember that for many conditions early detection can lead to better outcomes. Read on for 10 telltale signs it’s time to go see the doctor—including when your cough is bad enough to merit a visit. Keep in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive; above all, go with your gut—if instinct tells you something is wrong, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention.1 YOU HAVE A HIGH TEMPERATURE AND FEVER If you’ve got a fever over 103°F for more than three days, or a very high fever (exceeding 104˚F), you need to call a doctor. You could have a more serious condition, and additional tests can help determine what’s causing your high temperature. YOU BECOME UNUSUALLY SICK WITH COLD If you have a bad cold or flu and think that you need a visit to a doctor, there are some important things you should remember. It is difficult to know that your cold has passed if it becomes worse along the way or if a cold doesn't turn into a flu or whooping cough status. If this happens, you should seek medical treatment sooner if you cough very hard or have a fever that can't be broken. This type of symptom may indicate pneumonia or bacterial pneumonitis. Another reason for seeing a doctor sooner is that flu can become serious very quickly, which is why make sure you realize you may have the flu based on your flu symptoms. If you are cold or have a fever that lasts longer than two weeks, you may have a more serious illness. In that case, you may have a sinus infection or a YOU'VE QUICKLY AND UNDERSTANDABLY LOST WEIGHT Gaining weight over time, without explanation While it’s not unusual to experience unexplained weight loss, people who lose this amount of weight over the course of six months could suffer a number of more serious health problems. a general rule of thumb is to seek medical help if you’ve lost more than 10% of your body weight in the last six months (and you are not obese). YOU'RE BREATHING RARELY. All of these common causes of shortness of breath — high altitude, vigorous exercise, obesity, and extreme heat — contribute to it. Ask your doctor about the possibility of asthma, bronchitis, or another ailment if none of these are the source of your shortness of breath, especially if the symptoms appear suddenly and strongly. YOUR URINATION OR BOWEL MOVEMENT HAS CHANGED Think carefully about the fact that your own bowel movements, and therefore the pattern you follow, may vary, and the bowel conditions vary from person to person. This is one of the reasons stool tests have failed to qualify as a valid test for colorectal cancer. YOUR VISION IS INTERRUPTED BY BRIGHT FLASHES If you develop side-effects of your migraine medication and experience sudden episodes of bright flashing, this condition may be a sign of retinal detachment, which can cause you to lose vision if left untreated. Certain migraine medications can cause brightness where there is glare, but these side-effects are not meant to be symptoms of painfully bright flashes. YOU FEEL CONFUSED OR YOUR MENTAL STATE CHANGES Mental health issues and physical conditions, such as a viral infection, can cause neurological changes in people’s brains that can make them feel depressed, focus poorly, or have hyperactivity. Try to avoid these signs, which may provide clues to these issues. Try to stay calm and speak with someone you trust. YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE CONCUSSION Depending on the effects of a head injury, it is important to be aware of the following symptoms: Headache, difficulty with concentration, irritation, and sleep disturbance. If any of these symptoms occur, see a doctor. A procedure or prescription may cause your symptoms to appear in a way you did not anticipate.
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