Why do our built-in parasites affect sleep?
Why do our parasites affect our sleep? Part of what makes sleep so important is that it is the only time you have to yourself. It is the time when your brain is on low-power mode, when you aren't taking in information from outside your body and mind. The brain is working less, and you are going to be sleeping for a longer period of time: eight hours a night. This means that the time for sleep is a precious commodity. If you are constantly being interrupted, it will take longer to get back to sleep after each interruption. We go into a state of sleep after each interruption, then wake up, and then go back into sleep again. This takes longer. Three interruptions will take approximately the same amount of time to get back to sleep as one. You can think of it as three sleeping sessions. When you're interrupted constantly, your brain is going to be working overtime to keep things going. Parasites can limit us to a few hours of sleep. HOW TO TREAT LACK OF SLEEP AND FALL ASLEEP FASTER Parasites can contribute to insomnia. Do you wake up feeling tired, irritable, and unable to get back to sleep? You might have a parasite or be suffering from chronic fatigue, which is often linked to a parasite. Parasites can cause many symptoms, and the most common one is insomnia. You might find yourself waking up every two to four hours throughout the night, and then being unable to go back to sleep. You might wake up feeling tired and irritable, and just not be able to fall back asleep. Parasites can contribute to this because of their effect on the body's biochemistry, and the very low-grade inflammation that they can cause. THE SLEEP CYCLE The sleep cycle is broken into five stages, which we all go through during the night. This is why it is important to have a set time when you go to bed. Why sleep is essential for mental and physical well-being. • Sleep is a critical component of your physical health. • Sleep is essential for memory and learning. • Sleep is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength. • Sleep is essential for emotional health and stress management. • Sleep is essential to your productivity. • Sleep is essential to your relationships. • Sleep is essential to your mental well-being. • Sleep is essential for your life. – Christine Carter, PhD
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