


Why do our built-in parasites affect sleep?

Why do our parasites affect our sleep? Part of what makes sleep so important is that it is the only time you have to yourself. It is the time when your brain is on low-power mode, when you aren't taking in information from outside your body and mind. The brain is working less, and you are going to be sleeping for a longer period of time: eight hours a night. This means that the time for sleep is a precious commodity. If you are constantly being interrupted, it will take longer to get back to sleep after each interruption. We go into a state of sleep after each interruption, then wake up, and then go back into sleep again. This takes longer. Three interruptions will take approximately the same amount of time to get back to sleep as one. You can think of it as three sleeping sessions. When you're interrupted constantly, your brain is going to be working overtime to keep things going. Parasites can limit us to a few hours of sleep. HOW TO TREAT LACK OF SLEEP AND FALL ASLEEP FASTER Parasites can contribute to insomnia. Do you wake up feeling tired, irritable, and unable to get back to sleep? You might have a parasite or be suffering from chronic fatigue, which is often linked to a parasite. Parasites can cause many symptoms, and the most common one is insomnia. You might find yourself waking up every two to four hours throughout the night, and then being unable to go back to sleep. You might wake up feeling tired and irritable, and just not be able to fall back asleep. Parasites can contribute to this because of their effect on the body's biochemistry, and the very low-grade inflammation that they can cause. THE SLEEP CYCLE The sleep cycle is broken into five stages, which we all go through during the night. This is why it is important to have a set time when you go to bed. Why sleep is essential for mental and physical well-being. • Sleep is a critical component of your physical health. • Sleep is essential for memory and learning. • Sleep is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength. • Sleep is essential for emotional health and stress management. • Sleep is essential to your productivity. • Sleep is essential to your relationships. • Sleep is essential to your mental well-being. • Sleep is essential for your life. – Christine Carter, PhD

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5 ways to treat lack of sleep and fall asleep faster

How can I avoid suffering from a chronic lack of sleep? How can I avoid the consequences of chronic lack of sleep? It may be helpful to consider the effects of insufficient sleep on the body's natural sleep rhythms, which may lead to a cycle of chronically insufficient sleep, as well as the effects of chronic lack of sleep on the brain. The body's circadian rhythm The SCN and the other parts of the brain control how the body responds to the 24-hour light-dark cycle. When the body is exposed to the light in the evening, it produces the hormone melatonin, which helps to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Avoid caffeine before bedtime. A recent study has shown that caffeine may actually disrupt the circadian rhythm, and may be responsible for worsening insomnia. How the brain responds to lack of sleep Lack of sleep causes the brain to produce stress hormones, and this may make it harder to fall asleep, and to stay asleep. The brain constantly monitors the amount of sleep you have had. If you are chronically sleep deprived, the brain tends to continue to monitor your sleep quality and to produce stress hormones. This may lead you to feel tired and stressed all the time. How the body responds to lack of sleep Insufficient sleep leads to weight gain because it causes the body to use more calories. Insufficient sleep causes the hormone cortisol to rise, which causes the body to secrete more of the stress hormone adrenaline, which can make it harder to fall asleep. Insufficient sleep causes blood glucose levels to drop, which makes it harder to fall asleep. Treatment: Sleep deprivation can be alleviated in a variety of ways, including: Set a sleep and wake schedule and stick to it, especially on weekends. Remove any sources of distraction, such as gadgets, from the bedroom. Sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, and chronic pain are among problems that can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep Caffeine and energy drinks should be avoided. Before going to bed, unwind with yoga, meditation, a warm bath, or a good book.

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How sleep helps to maintain a positive mindset

How sleep aids in the maintenance of a positive mental attitude. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to resist the temptation to turn to drugs to make myself feel better. • When I'm well-rested, more often than not, I'm more mentally alert and I'm able to achieve more. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to maintain my confidence and maintain a good attitude. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to concentrate better and I can teach more effectively. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to think more creatively. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to resist the temptation to turn to food to make myself feel better. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to resist the temptation to turn to alcohol to make myself feel better. • When I'm well-rested, I'm able to resist the temptation to turn to drugs to make myself feel better. Sleep helps achieve goal motivation. "Sleep is a critical component of your physical health. Sleep is essential for memory and learning. Sleep is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength. Sleep is essential for emotional health and stress management. Sleep is essential to your productivity. Sleep is essential to your relationships. Sleep is essential for your mental well-being. Sleep is essential for your life. Sleep is essential for your relationships. Sleep is essential for mental health._ " — Christine Carter, PhD SLEEP HELPS CREATE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOURSELF. The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. What you do after you graduate from high school and after you graduate from college makes all the difference.

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6 Ways Chronic Stress Can Suck the Life Out of You

What are the effects of chronic stress on you? It's perfectly normal to feel stressed now and then, but chronic stress can have a significant negative influence on the mind and body. People can be physiologically be affected by extreme stress, such as that induced by bereavement, shock, or traumatic experiences. Stress impacts the immune system, neurological system, hormones, and cardiac function, thus those with chronic or extreme stress might have a variety of symptoms. Other signs and symptoms of chronic stress are: A lack of vitality Constipation, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea, and other digestive issues Insomnia, or sleeping problems Anxiety Muscular stiffness or discomfort Headaches Infections such as colds, flu, and urinary tract infections are more common (UTIs) Lower desire to participate in social situations or activities How does Chronic Stress can affect you? It can lead to physical health problems.Chronic stress can take a toll on your physical health. It can increase your risk for health problems such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It can lead to emotional health problems.Chronic stress can also lead to emotional health problems such as anxiety and depression. It can make you irritable.Chronic stress can make you more irritable and short-tempered. It can make you more anxious.Chronic stress can make you more anxious and cause you to worry more. It can make you more depressed.Chronic stress can make you more depressed and cause you to feel hopeless and helpless. It can make you tired. TreatmentOnly by addressing and changing the root cause can chronic stress be effectively treated. Several lifestyle choices, on the other hand, can significantly reduce stress and its symptoms. Stress can be managed in a variety of ways, including: Identifying and resolving the sources of conflict that are causing them to be irritated. Regularly exercising as much as possible. Spending a good deal of time outside. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and guided visualisation are examples of mindfulness and stress-reduction exercises. Avoiding bringing work-related concerns or incomplete work home, as well as bringing work-related issues home. Taking up a relaxing pastime, particularly one that encourages creativity, such as sketching, writing, painting, or music. Inviting family and friends for help and understanding. Seeing a mental health professional for assistance.

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Why Do I Feel Sick All The Time?

Everyone gets sick at times, but in rare cases, a person may be sick all of the time or the majority of the time. This feeling can be associated with nausea, frequent colds, or being exhausted. Due to a lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, or a bad diet, a person may feel sick for several days, weeks, or months. Treatments, causes, and symptomsBelow are some of the most frequent causes of chronic illness, as well as associated symptoms and treatment options. AnxietyMany people don't link anxiety with sickness, although it can make a person sick to their stomach. Because anxiety decreases immunological responses, a person with anxiety may feel queasy or find themselves sick more frequently. Other anxiety symptoms include: Lack of breath Sweating Increased heart rate Dizziness Avoiding some situations through shaking or trembling It is normal for people to have anxiety, but if they are constantly anxious and it is interfering with their everyday lives, they should consult a doctor about anxiety disorders. If a person's anxiety is particular to certain situations, such as social contact or unsanitary settings, they may have a specific anxiety condition or phobia. TreatmentAnxiety and anxiety disorders can be successfully treated. Among the possibilities are: 1. Identifying and addressing the source of anxiety, which could include lifestyle problems, relationships, drugs, or alcohol.2. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy are examples of psychotherapy or talking treatments (IPT).3. Consult a doctor and use drugs like beta-blockers.

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2 Super Smart Ways to Save Money on Terminal Disease

Treatment: Terminal diseases are diseases that lead to death. The treatments for terminal diseases are often expensive and can put a financial strain on patients and their families. However, there are a number of ways to save money on terminal disease treatments. Here are 2 super smart ways to do just that: Compare PricesOne of the best ways to save money on terminal disease treatments is to compare prices between different providers. There is often a large price difference between providers, so it is important to shop around to find the best deal. Consider Clinical TrialsClinical trials can be a great way to save money on terminal disease treatments. Clinical trials are often much cheaper than regular treatments, and they may also provide access to new and experimental treatments. A mom to keep her daughter from having terminal illness: How to Stop Them From Happening? Hear from the mom.I’m the mom of two kids, and I’m not like most moms. I’m not the mom who sits in the backseat of the car and has a panic attack about Junior’s growing body. I’m not the mom who buys a bunch of kiddie-sized clothes thinking my daughter will outgrow them. I’m not the mom who can’t stand the idea of breast feeding without a boob in her hand.I’m the mom who has to change the dirty diaper before going out in public. I’m the mom who can’t sleep at night because Junior is a baby. I’m the mom who spends half her paycheck on diapers.

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Are you struggling with anxiety but don’t know how to make it better?

Anxiety is definitely one of the most difficult things to deal with, but there are definitely ways to make it better. Here are a few tips to help you out: Talk to someone about it. Talking about your anxiety can really help to make it feel more manageable. Find someone you trust who will listen and help you work through your feelings. Exercise. Exercise is a great way to release tension and anxiety. It can help to clear your mind and make you feel more relaxed. Try to relax. Find some relaxing activities that work for you and try to do them regularly. This can include things like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Take your medication as needed. If your anxiety is really impacting your life, it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor about medication. There are a number of different medications that can help to treat anxiety. Seek professional help. If you feel like you can't manage your anxiety on your own, it might be a good idea to seek professional help. There are a number of different therapies that can help to treat anxiety, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or counselling. http://staging.healthconnect247.com/you-call-we-care/

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Telemedicine Insights

How Telemedicine Helps in Expanding Young People’s Access to Healthcare

Telemedicine plays a crucial role in improving access to quality healthcare in Nigeria by making up for the deficit in healthcare professionals, removing long transit and waiting time in the few available health facilities. But despite the prospects of telemedicine in Nigeria, many—including the youth who are tech-savvy—are yet to embrace it. Perhaps, the reason many Nigerians are yet to fully adopt telemedicine is that we are somewhat resistant to change or we are not adequately informed about what telemedicine really is. Here’s how telemedicine helps in expanding young people’s access to healthcare: 1. Tackling Drug Abuse It’s no news that Nigeria is struggling with a drug abuse epidemic. According to United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC), over 14.4 % of Nigerians—largely comprised of youths—engage in drug abuse. This is not surprising owing to the fact that many Nigerians would rather take to self-medication than go through the stress of journeying for several hours to consult with a doctor in the nearest medical facility. Thankfully, telemedicine is here to put an end to this worrisome trend. Now, young Nigerians can consult with a doctor from the comfort of their homes. 2. Addressing Mental Health Challenges Another thing that’s common with the youth demography is mental illness. If the piece published by Socrates Mbamalu on Al Jazeera is anything to go by, about 50 million Nigerians—largely composed of youths—are struggling with some sort of mental health issues. Without looking far, you would see quite a lot of people battling depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and other mental health issues. Nigerian youths can correct this negative trajectory by embracing telemedicine. 3. Privacy Due to the stigma associated with certain sicknesses and diseases, many youths shy away from seeking treatment. This has contributed to the high mortality in the country. While more needs to be done to stem the tide of stigmatization, telemedicine provides a way around the problem. Nigerian youths no longer need to be worried about privacy and confidentiality issues, thanks to the availability of a wide array of telemonitoring technologies. 4. Convenience One thing that’s common with Millennials and Gen Zs is their allergy to anything that comes with stress. Perhaps, this is why many resort to self-help instead of seeking professional help for their physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, telemedicine offers the much-needed convenience youths crave. 5. Affordability With youth unemployment standing at about 38% as of the fourth quarter of 2020, many youths would rather suffer in silence or resort to self-medication than incur a huge amount of debt in a bid to get access to quality healthcare. With telemedicine, even unemployed youths can afford quality healthcare. Now that you know the numerous benefit telemedicine offers to youths, head over to https://healthconnect247.com/ to subscribe to a plan.

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Health Tips

How Telemedicine Helps in Sexual and Reproductive Health

The discourse on how telemedicine helps in sexual and reproductive health arises because women are affected by sexually transmissible infections (STIs), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and other conditions. However, due to confidentiality and privacy, cost, limited transport, and other concerns, they are reluctant or unable to access healthcare. On this backdrop, we will explore how telemedicine can be of great utility in addressing the aforementioned concerns affecting the sexual and reproductive health of women.

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