


Are you struggling with anxiety but don’t know how to make it better?

Anxiety is definitely one of the most difficult things to deal with, but there are definitely ways to make it better. Here are a few tips to help you out: Talk to someone about it. Talking about your anxiety can really help to make it feel more manageable. Find someone you trust who will listen and help you work through your feelings. Exercise. Exercise is a great way to release tension and anxiety. It can help to clear your mind and make you feel more relaxed. Try to relax. Find some relaxing activities that work for you and try to do them regularly. This can include things like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Take your medication as needed. If your anxiety is really impacting your life, it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor about medication. There are a number of different medications that can help to treat anxiety. Seek professional help. If you feel like you can't manage your anxiety on your own, it might be a good idea to seek professional help. There are a number of different therapies that can help to treat anxiety, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or counselling. http://staging.healthconnect247.com/you-call-we-care/

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Telemedicine Insights

How Telemedicine Helps in Expanding Young People’s Access to Healthcare

Telemedicine plays a crucial role in improving access to quality healthcare in Nigeria by making up for the deficit in healthcare professionals, removing long transit and waiting time in the few available health facilities. But despite the prospects of telemedicine in Nigeria, many—including the youth who are tech-savvy—are yet to embrace it. Perhaps, the reason many Nigerians are yet to fully adopt telemedicine is that we are somewhat resistant to change or we are not adequately informed about what telemedicine really is. Here’s how telemedicine helps in expanding young people’s access to healthcare: 1. Tackling Drug Abuse It’s no news that Nigeria is struggling with a drug abuse epidemic. According to United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC), over 14.4 % of Nigerians—largely comprised of youths—engage in drug abuse. This is not surprising owing to the fact that many Nigerians would rather take to self-medication than go through the stress of journeying for several hours to consult with a doctor in the nearest medical facility. Thankfully, telemedicine is here to put an end to this worrisome trend. Now, young Nigerians can consult with a doctor from the comfort of their homes. 2. Addressing Mental Health Challenges Another thing that’s common with the youth demography is mental illness. If the piece published by Socrates Mbamalu on Al Jazeera is anything to go by, about 50 million Nigerians—largely composed of youths—are struggling with some sort of mental health issues. Without looking far, you would see quite a lot of people battling depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and other mental health issues. Nigerian youths can correct this negative trajectory by embracing telemedicine. 3. Privacy Due to the stigma associated with certain sicknesses and diseases, many youths shy away from seeking treatment. This has contributed to the high mortality in the country. While more needs to be done to stem the tide of stigmatization, telemedicine provides a way around the problem. Nigerian youths no longer need to be worried about privacy and confidentiality issues, thanks to the availability of a wide array of telemonitoring technologies. 4. Convenience One thing that’s common with Millennials and Gen Zs is their allergy to anything that comes with stress. Perhaps, this is why many resort to self-help instead of seeking professional help for their physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, telemedicine offers the much-needed convenience youths crave. 5. Affordability With youth unemployment standing at about 38% as of the fourth quarter of 2020, many youths would rather suffer in silence or resort to self-medication than incur a huge amount of debt in a bid to get access to quality healthcare. With telemedicine, even unemployed youths can afford quality healthcare. Now that you know the numerous benefit telemedicine offers to youths, head over to https://healthconnect247.com/ to subscribe to a plan.

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Health Tips

How Telemedicine Helps in Sexual and Reproductive Health

The discourse on how telemedicine helps in sexual and reproductive health arises because women are affected by sexually transmissible infections (STIs), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and other conditions. However, due to confidentiality and privacy, cost, limited transport, and other concerns, they are reluctant or unable to access healthcare. On this backdrop, we will explore how telemedicine can be of great utility in addressing the aforementioned concerns affecting the sexual and reproductive health of women.

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How Telemedicine Helps in Sexual and Reproductive Health

The discourse on how telemedicine helps in sexual and reproductive health arises because women are affected by sexually transmissible infections (STIs), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and other conditions. However, due to confidentiality and privacy, cost, limited transport, and other concerns, they are reluctant or unable to access healthcare. On this backdrop, we will explore how telemedicine can be of great utility in addressing the aforementioned concerns affecting the sexual and reproductive health of women. Benefits of Telemedicine in Sexual and Reproductive Health Telemedicine offers the following benefits for the sexual and reproductive health of women… 1. Improved Access to Care To start with, the doctor-patient ratio of Nigeria stands at 1:6,000, which is a far cry from the 1:1,000 as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Also, studies show that malaria is responsible for about 11% of maternal deaths annually in Nigeria. Many women, particularly those in rural areas delay or neglect necessary health screenings or checkups for their sexual and reproductive health due to limited access to quality health facilities. With telemedicine, women in underserved communities can access care, even with non-smartphones. 2. Confidentiality and Privacy With tens to hundreds of people queued up in a hospital, there’s only so much privacy you can get. This lack of privacy has deterred many women from seeking medical care, even when they know it’s necessary. Sexual health is a topic that comes with a great deal of stigma, so women would rather resort to unproven means of treatment than be subjected to stigmatization. However, with telemedicine, you would get the much-needed privacy you desire. This is because you can consult with a doctor without leaving the privacy of your room. 3. Easy Follow-ups STIs, pregnancy and infertility are conditions that require regular follow-ups with your doctor. While this can be quite difficult with the traditional healthcare system, telemedicine makes things easier. You don’t have to miss work or stay in traffic all in a bid to see a doctor. 4. Affordability Perhaps, the major reason why women in underserved communities are reluctant or discouraged to seek medical help for their sexual and reproductive health is because of the high cost of consultations. Added to the fact that they have to pay out of pocket for follow-ups as well, these women would rather turn a blind eye to their health, seek divine intervention or take to harmful, unproven medical practices. With Health Connect 24x7, you don’t need to pay out of pocket for every consultation you have with a doctor. 5. Convenience Expectant women and nursing mothers need to have as much comfort as they can get. While the traditional healthcare system comes with a great deal of stress ranging from the long waiting period to the long-distance drive to the hospital. With telemedicine, women can get prenatal and postnatal care without having to leave the comfort of their homes. To begin your telemedicine journey, 08000432584 (08000HEALTH) toll-free now. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop them in the comment section.

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How Telemedicine Helps in Expanding Young People’s Access to Healthcare

Telemedicine plays a crucial role in improving access to quality healthcare in Nigeria by making up for the deficit in healthcare professionals, removing long transit and waiting time in the few available health facilities. But despite the prospects of telemedicine in Nigeria, many—including the youth who are tech-savvy—are yet to embrace it. Perhaps, the reason many Nigerians are yet to fully adopt telemedicine is that we are somewhat resistant to change or we are not adequately informed about what telemedicine really is. Here's how telemedicine helps in expanding young people’s access to healthcare: 1. Tackling Drug Abuse It’s no news that Nigeria is struggling with a drug abuse epidemic. According to United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC), over 14.4 % of Nigerians—largely comprised of youths—engage in drug abuse. This is not surprising owing to the fact that many Nigerians would rather take to self-medication than go through the stress of journeying for several hours to consult with a doctor in the nearest medical facility. Thankfully, telemedicine is here to put an end to this worrisome trend. Now, young Nigerians can consult with a doctor from the comfort of their homes. 2. Addressing Mental Health Challenges Another thing that’s common with the youth demography is mental illness. If the piece published by Socrates Mbamalu on Al Jazeera is anything to go by, about 50 million Nigerians—largely composed of youths—are struggling with some sort of mental health issues. Without looking far, you would see quite a lot of people battling depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and other mental health issues. Nigerian youths can correct this negative trajectory by embracing telemedicine. 3. Privacy Due to the stigma associated with certain sicknesses and diseases, many youths shy away from seeking treatment. This has contributed to the high mortality in the country. While more needs to be done to stem the tide of stigmatization, telemedicine provides a way around the problem. Nigerian youths no longer need to be worried about privacy and confidentiality issues, thanks to the availability of a wide array of telemonitoring technologies. 4. Convenience One thing that’s common with Millennials and Gen Zs is their allergy to anything that comes with stress. Perhaps, this is why many resort to self-help instead of seeking professional help for their physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, telemedicine offers the much-needed convenience youths crave. 5. Affordability With youth unemployment standing at about 38% as of the fourth quarter of 2020, many youths would rather suffer in silence or resort to self-medication than incur a huge amount of debt in a bid to get access to quality healthcare. With telemedicine, even unemployed youths can afford quality healthcare. Now that you know the numerous benefit telemedicine offers to youths, head over to http://staging.healthconnect247.com/ to subscribe to a plan.

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How to Stop Snoring

It is estimated that over 45% of adults snore occasionally, while 25% snore habitually. Snoring occurs when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat during sleep. This results in the vibration of the surrounding tissues, which produces the familiar snoring sound. Besides blocked airways or a stuffy nose, snoring is also caused by sleeping posture, age, excessive smoking, alcohol intake, and being overweight. In this post, we will furnish you with proven tips on how to stop snoring. Let’s dive in! Effective Tips to Stop Snoring To begin with, while there are several remedies for snoring, not every remedy is right for everyone. Putting a stop to your snoring habit will require lifestyle changes, patience, and a willingness to explore different solutions. Here’s how to stop snoring: 1. Change Your Sleeping Posture To encourage easy breathing and open airways, you should sleep in such a way that your head is 3-4 inches above the bed. You can consider going for pillows specifically designed to elevate your head to the recommended height and ensure your neck muscles aren’t crimped. Also, ensure you sleep on your side rather than your back. If you find it difficult to do this, consider wedging a pillow stuffed with tennis balls or empty cans behind your back. This way, you will feel discomfort if you roll over onto your back. When sleeping on your side eventually becomes a habit, you can discard the tennis balls or cans. 2. Use an Anti-snoring Device Anti-snoring devices are designed to reduce/stop snoring. Some of these devices include nasal strips, anti-snore chin straps, neti pots, and nasal dilators. You can opt for any depending on your preference and budget. 3. Clear Your Nasal Passage If you have a stuffy nose, ensure you clear it before you go to bed. A nasal decongestant can come in handy when you want to clear your nose. Also, bear in mind that dry air in a room can cause nose and throat irritation, which may result in snoring. You can use a humidifier to keep your bedroom air moist. 4. Exercise The weightier you are, the more fatty tissues you have at the back of your throat, which causes snoring. While there are several ways to lose weight, exercising is perhaps the most effective. As you exercise, the muscles in your arms, legs, and even throat become well-toned, resulting in less snoring amongst other things. 5. Avoid Smoking and Sleeping Pills Smoking irritates the membranes in the nose and throat, thereby blocking your airways and causing you to snore. While quitting smoking is easier said than done, it can be the only way out if it’s the cause of your snoring. Also, you should consider steering clear of sleeping pills and sedatives because they encourage a deeper level of sleep which can make snoring worse. 6. Avoid Eating Large Meals Late at Night Eating heavy meals late at night promotes snoring because, during the process of digestion, the throat and tongue muscles relax. If you must eat, steer clear of high-fat dairy products and acidic foods containing spicy ingredients because they are known to irritate the throat lining, which can worsen snoring. Takeaway If you snore in all sleeping positions, then your snoring is more severe and may require more than self-help treatment and lifestyle changes. You should speak to a Health Connect 24x7 doctor if you notice that you snore very loudly and heavily, or you stop breathing, gasp for air, or choke during sleep. These issues may be pointers to an underlying medical condition such as sleep apnea that needs to be promptly addressed.

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Everything You Need to Know about Drug Allergies

Have you ever taken a drug, and after a short time you notice a cracked and red skin, as well as swollen lips, eyes, tongue, and face? These symptoms are as a result of drug allergies. With an allergic reaction, your immune system, which fights infection and disease, reacts to the drug you consume. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, drug allergies account for about 5 to 10 percent of negative drug reactions people experience. It’s important to know what drug allergies are because a lot of people often confuse them for side effects. What is a Drug Allergy? A drug allergy is the abnormal reaction of your immune system to a medication. Prescription, over-the-counter, and even herbal drugs are all capable of inducing a drug allergy. Sometimes, a drug allergy may occur within a few hours after taking a medication. Other times, it may occur days or weeks later. Certain drugs are more likely to cause allergic reactions than others. Sulfa drugs, Anticonvulsants, Aspirin and Antibiotics such as Penicillin are some of the most common drugs that come with allergic reactions. Your chances of coming down with an allergy are higher when you take a drug frequently or when you rub it on the skin or inject it into your body, rather than consume it by mouth. What is the Difference between Drug Allergies and Side Effects? The difference between a drug allergy and a side effect is that the former involves your immune system, but it plays no role in the latter. Side effects are basically the consequence of how a drug works. You may experience an allergic reaction the first time you take a drug or it may build up over time. Skin rash, hives, swollen lips, tongue, eyes, and face are some of the most common symptoms of drug allergies. Causes of Drug Allergies A drug allergy is experienced when your immune system mistakenly identifies a drug as a harmful substance, such as a virus or bacterium.  Once your immune system considers a drug to be harmful, it forms an antibody specific to that drug. This can happen the first time you take a drug, or much later. The next time you take that drug, the antibodies flag the drug and direct immune system attacks on the substance. This leads to the symptoms associated with an allergic reaction you usually notice after taking a drug. Treatment for Drug Allergies When it comes to treating drug allergies, you can consult a HealthConnect 24x7 doctor from the comfort of your home, office, or on the go. Details about the onset of your symptoms, and the time you took the drugs, are vital clues that will help your doctor make a proper diagnosis and treat you effectively. If you come down with any symptoms of drug allergy mentioned above after taking a drug, call 08000HEALTH (08000432584). Fortunately, most drug allergies respond to treatment, but you have to take them seriously and act fast.

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Everything You Need to Know about Drug Abuse

People from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, and educational background may struggle with drug abuse problems. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Center for Research and Information on Substance Abuse, over 14 million Nigerians are hooked on drugs such as nicotine, cocaine, cannabis, and sedatives. However, it’s not just these illegal drugs that can lead to abuse and addiction. Prescription medications like opioid painkillers, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers can cause similar problems. In this article, we will explore the warning signs, learn how substance abuse problem develops and how you can manage it. What is Drug Abuse? Drug abuse or substance abuse is the use of prescription, over-the-counter or illegal drugs for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in excessive amounts. Substance abuse often leads to social, physical, and emotional problems. Many drugs that are abused are also addictive; they cause cravings and an unquenchable desire to use them despite being fully aware of the negative consequences they pose to your health. The most commonly abused drugs are stimulants (cocaine, cigarette and caffeine), depressants (alcohol), painkillers (heroin, tramadol), and hallucinogens (marijuana, ecstasy). Causes of Drug Abuse While frequency or the number of drugs consumed do not necessarily constitute abuse, they are often indicators of drug-related problems. Some of the reasons people abuse drugs include: Curiosity and peer pressure, especially among young adults between the ages of 25 and 39As a means of obtaining creative inspirationRecreational purposesTo escape the reality of their problems Effects of Drug Abuse The effects of drug abuse depend on the type of drug, any other substances that a person is using. Drug abuse has both short-term and long-term effects on a person. Let’s take a closer look at each of them: 1. Short-term Effects Abusing a drug can produce short-term effects such as changes in appetite, a temporary sense of euphoria, increased heart rate, loss of coordination and sleeplessness or insomnia. 2. Long-term Effects Substance abuse can alter your brain structure and function, resulting in long-term effects such as depression, anxiety, liver disease, kidney damage, and respiratory problem. Getting Help for Drug Abuse According to a report published in the Surgeon General’s Facing Addiction in America, only about 1 in 10 persons with addiction seek treatment. So, it’s not surprising that there are over 160,000 deaths from substance abuse annually according to a study published in the Public Library of Science journal. If you are ready to take the first steps towards sobriety, call 08000432584 toll-free to speak to a psychologist. Our who will guide you through various stages of treatment, depending on your needs.

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How Telemedicine Helps in Suicide Prevention

With over 700,000 people committing suicide every year, there’s no gainsaying suicide is fast becoming a scourge that directly or indirectly affects everyone. In light of the above, September 10 is globally recognized as World Suicide Prevention Day. This day was introduced by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness and advocacy for suicide prevention. So, in this article, we will take a deep dive into the meaning, warning signs, and risk factors associated with suicide, as well as how telemedicine helps in suicide prevention. What is Suicide? Suicide is defined as intentionally taking one’s own life. It tends to carry different traits depending on the culture. Historically, and still today in some regions, suicide or its attempt is seen as a criminal offense, a religious taboo, and, in some cases, an act of honour (suicide bombings). Attempted suicide is an attempt to take one’s life that ends in self-injury rather than death.  Assisted suicide is considered as an individual helping another individual in bringing about their own death by providing them with the means of carrying out the act or by providing advice on how to do it. Suicide Risk Factors The risk factors that may contribute to someone having suicidal thoughts, attempting or committing suicide include: 1. Mental Disorders To begin with, mental disorders play a huge role in the increased risk of suicide—with studies suggesting over that 90% of people who take their own life battle with some type of psychiatric disorder. However, the risk of suicide for people suffering from mental disorders drops drastically once admitted to treatment. Bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder are some of the most common mental disorders that go with suicide. 2. Substance Abuse Substance abuse is another high-risk factor for suicide. Studies show that those with substance abuse disorders are six times more likely to complete suicide than those without. Also, the rate of completed suicide among men with alcohol/drug abuse problems is 2-3 times higher than among those without a problem.  Women who abuse substances are at 6-9 times higher risk of suicide in comparison to women who do not. What’s more, heroin and cocaine are the most common drugs suicide victims use. 3. Family History Coming from a family with a history of mental disorders, substance abuse, violence, as well as physical and sexual abuse is also a risk factor for suicide. 4. Socio-economic Conditions Unemployment, homelessness, poverty, childhood sexual abuse, social isolation, loss of a loved one, and other life stresses can all increase the likelihood of suicide. Warning Signs of Suicide Any one of the following signs does not necessarily mean someone is considering suicide, but several of these symptoms may signal a need for help: Suicidal ideation: thinking, talking, or writing about suicide, planning for suicideIncreased use of drugs and alcoholFeelings of purposelessness, uselessness, and hopelessnessSocial withdrawalAnxietyExcessive sleep or having difficulty falling asleepRepeated reckless or impulsive actions such as over speeding for no obvious reasonMood changes including depression It is worthy of note that people who talk about suicide, threaten suicide, or call suicide crisis centres are about 30 times more likely than average to kill themselves. Ways of Preventing Suicide You can prevent suicide through the following ways: Counselling and psychotherapyAccess to suicide prevention hotlines and emergency roomsMotivating self-care activities such as exercises and meditative relaxationHospitalization for those with low adherence to collaboration for help and those who require monitoring and secondary symptom treatmentRegistering with support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, and Suicide Bereavement Support Group   How Telemedicine Helps to Prevent Suicide With telemedicine, you can get timely and low-cost suicide interventions. Here's how telemedicine helps in suicide prevention: 1. Ease of Access If you are having suicidal warning signs, you can speak to a psychologist from the comfort of your home. This mental health professional will help you see things from a clearer perspective through counselling and therapy, and develop a recovery strategy for you. 2. Privacy In many parts of the world, especially in Africa, suicide and mental health issues are met with a great deal of stigma. However, instead of ignoring the warning signs or bottling up your thoughts due to fear of stigmatization, you can consult with a psychologist from the privacy of your home. The mental health professional will develop a treatment regimen for you without judging. Call 08000HEALTH (08000432584) Toll-free to Speak to a Clinical Psychologist Today

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