How Telemedicine Helps in Sexual and Reproductive Health
The discourse on how telemedicine helps in sexual and reproductive health arises because women are affected by sexually transmissible infections (STIs), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and other conditions. However, due to confidentiality and privacy, cost, limited transport, and other concerns, they are reluctant or unable to access healthcare. On this backdrop, we will explore how telemedicine can be of great utility in addressing the aforementioned concerns affecting the sexual and reproductive health of women. Benefits of Telemedicine in Sexual and Reproductive Health Telemedicine offers the following benefits for the sexual and reproductive health of women… 1. Improved Access to Care To start with, the doctor-patient ratio of Nigeria stands at 1:6,000, which is a far cry from the 1:1,000 as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Also, studies show that malaria is responsible for about 11% of maternal deaths annually in Nigeria. Many women, particularly those in rural areas delay or neglect necessary health screenings or checkups for their sexual and reproductive health due to limited access to quality health facilities. With telemedicine, women in underserved communities can access care, even with non-smartphones. 2. Confidentiality and Privacy With tens to hundreds of people queued up in a hospital, there’s only so much privacy you can get. This lack of privacy has deterred many women from seeking medical care, even when they know it’s necessary. Sexual health is a topic that comes with a great deal of stigma, so women would rather resort to unproven means of treatment than be subjected to stigmatization. However, with telemedicine, you would get the much-needed privacy you desire. This is because you can consult with a doctor without leaving the privacy of your room. 3. Easy Follow-ups STIs, pregnancy and infertility are conditions that require regular follow-ups with your doctor. While this can be quite difficult with the traditional healthcare system, telemedicine makes things easier. You don’t have to miss work or stay in traffic all in a bid to see a doctor. 4. Affordability Perhaps, the major reason why women in underserved communities are reluctant or discouraged to seek medical help for their sexual and reproductive health is because of the high cost of consultations. Added to the fact that they have to pay out of pocket for follow-ups as well, these women would rather turn a blind eye to their health, seek divine intervention or take to harmful, unproven medical practices. With Health Connect 24x7, you don’t need to pay out of pocket for every consultation you have with a doctor. 5. Convenience Expectant women and nursing mothers need to have as much comfort as they can get. While the traditional healthcare system comes with a great deal of stress ranging from the long waiting period to the long-distance drive to the hospital. With telemedicine, women can get prenatal and postnatal care without having to leave the comfort of their homes. To begin your telemedicine journey, 08000432584 (08000HEALTH) toll-free now. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop them in the comment section.
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