


Why is the market for telemedicine expanding so fast?

Why is telemedicine becoming such a dominant force in the industry? It addresses the three most significant problems in healthcare right now: Reduced costs Quick access to medical treatment Exceptional medical treatment Patients can connect with licenced, board-certified, experienced doctors through telemedicine at any time. People with minor illnesses who don't need to see a doctor in person can speak to one over the phone or online. They can receive a proper diagnosis and therapy in an hour or less as a result of this encounter. minor diseases consist of: Flu and Cold Nasal infections Breathing infections Abdomen ache Headache Urinary tract infection and pink eye Allergy Ear infection, among other things

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Why employers need to incorporate Telemedicine in their budget plan?

The reason employers need to include Telemedicine in their cost estimation strategy? Because of customer desire for quick and inexpensive medical care, telemedicine is a powerful influence in the healthcare sector. Health care solutions that are affordable and simple to access are sought after by both consumers and companies. The market for health care is filled by telemedicine. There is nothing new about telemedicine technology. Over 40 years have passed since its creation. One of the first to use it was in hospitals and home health care services. Patients in far-off locations can receive the medical attention they require by connecting with health care professionals via telemedicine. Greater patient access to healthcare is now possible, independent of residence or place of employment. Due to its ability to deliver healthcare services quickly and economically, telemedicine has grown from its humble beginnings to become a powerful force. This article discusses the advantages of telemedicine for both individuals and companies, as well as the reasons behind its extraordinary rise. Regarding consumers and employers, change in the health insurance industry is in the air. Consumers who previously lacked health insurance are now doing so as a result of the unprecedented pandemic outbreak. In response to the need for employees to receive affordable care, businesses are changing. Some are moving to defined-contribution plans, self-funded plans, plans with larger deductibles, or by directing their staff to exchanges where they can choose their own insurance. As an alternative, a lot of people are completely changing how they employ people, leaving them without insurance. Self-funded businesses are more driven than ever to keep employees healthy and keep health care costs down so they miss fewer days of work and are more productive because of the evolving health care environment. Wellness programmes haven't always been as effective as they could be for many businesses, despite the fact that many of them initially saw them as a way to keep workers healthy and productive. These programmes frequently encounter resistance from employees, and it can be challenging to gauge their success. Whether people choose their own insurance or get it through their employers, consumerism is quickly taking hold in society. Consumers may face increased premiums and deductibles as the changes to the health care system continue. They will therefore insist on other solutions. Several factors are combining to make it more challenging for patients to receive timely and affordable medical care. For starters, there are longer waits to see doctors as a result of the nation's rising physician shortage. Patients who must wait a long period for care are forced to put off getting it altogether. This translates to more missed workdays and lower productivity for the individual or their organisation. Delaying treatment might cause minor issues to develop into serious ones. Long wait times entail extra time away from work even when employees can visit a doctor. The healthcare industry has changed and will keep changing. Health care for consumers must be easily accessible and reasonably priced. Consumers and employers may easily receive high-quality medical care thanks to telemedicine, data-enabled kiosks, and e-visits. Over the next five years, nearly half of employers anticipate a significant or transformative change, according to Towers Watson. More specifically, 49% of respondents anticipate increased healthcare price transparency, and 45% anticipate the emergence of new healthcare delivery access points like telemedicine, e-visits, and data-enabled kiosks. The workforce of many large organisations already have access to telemedicine services. The Home Depot, Accenture, Calipers, Metro PCS, and Penske are just a few businesses that now provide telemedicine services. Eight million workers are currently taking advantage of Telemedicine's advantages. Everybody benefits from the outcome. People save both time and money. Employers can observe significant drops in absenteeism, which increases productivity. Companies that self-fund might immediately experience improvements to their financial position. A consumer's primary care physician is not a substitute for telemedicine. For patients who can't get in to see their primary care physician right away, telemedicine services provide an extra resource. Before getting hired, telemedicine doctors must obtain credentials and pass a demanding screening process. The majority of the Telemedicine doctors have sound backgrounds in internal medicine, family practise paediatrics or emergency medicine and have been in practise for an average of 15 years. They frequently collaborate with the primary care doctor of their clients and submit the doctor's records from the consultation directly, keeping the primary care doctor involved in the patient's care. Customers are advised to schedule routine physicals and wellness checks as well as extended care visits with their primary care physician.

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Why your employees health is important?

Why is your staff health significant? We've outlined ten (10) benefits of health and safety since it's useful to understand their significance. It is ethically wise to make sure that your employees arrive home after each workday in good health and safety. By safeguarding your employees, you lower sick days and ensure a more effective and productive workplace. According to research, employees are more productive in settings that prioritise health and safety. Less disruption and financial savings result from minimising lost productivity brought on by illness and accidents. You are required by law to abide by health and safety regulations in some nations where they are considered criminal laws. Senior executives may face criminal charges, penalties, and possibly imprisonment for breaking the law. You might need to show your dedication to sustainability and corporate social responsibility, which includes how you treat your workers, in order to attract investors and collaborations. Customers are demanding more ethically manufactured goods and services, so you must consider the working conditions at every stage of your supply chain and only engage with suppliers who uphold the rights of their employees. You may find it difficult to recruit or keep the best staff if your company has strong corporate responsibility and sustainability standards. This is especially true for Millennials and Generation Z job seekers, who increasingly look for companies who share their values. A positive track record in health and safety can give you a competitive edge since it fosters confidence in your brand and reputation, whereas a negative record will damage both and immediately impact profitability, which may lead to diminished business or perhaps closure. Long-term advantages are ensured for you, your organisation, and the larger community when you are healthy and safe at work.

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The Top 10 Telemedicine Changes for 2022

2022's Leading 10 Telemedicine Switches COVID-19 has pushed all aspect of our lives online, including how we learn and work as well as how we celebrate weddings and happy hours. The same applies to how we interact with healthcare. More Americans than ever are turning to telemedicine (also known as telehealth or virtual care) as a remedy for the health risks that are currently present in doctor's offices and hospital emergency rooms. Its potential to increase care for physical and mental health needs is acknowledged by patients, physicians, regulators, and employers. In 2022, there are 10 things every benefits professional needs to be aware of about telemedicine. Safety is Vital: The pandemic is highlighting the need of telemedicine in ensuring people's safety. If you stay away from areas where sick individuals congregate, you will be less likely to contract COVID-19. Employees shouldn't have to take a chance on exposure in order to receive care for a straightforward ear infection or poison ivy rash at their doctor's office. Growing Awareness: During COVID-19, more patients than ever are discovering the potential of telemedicine, yet some patients are unsure of how to use it. Driving usage requires clear communications from HR or the benefits provider. Telemedicine consults increased by 86% between 2019 and 2020, according to Health Connect 24x7. However, despite the rise in COVID-19 consultations, ear, sinus, and urinary tract infections continue to be the most common ailments on patients' minds. In recent years, most telemedicine patients called a phone number to speak with a doctor; but, by 2020, 81 percent of individuals will own smartphones. As a result, the majority of patients get healthcare through the Health Connect 24x7 website or mobile app. Services Are Expanding: Both the volume and the scope of telemedicine have increased. A couple of the services that are currently offered by some providers or as an employee benefit from some businesses include at-home COVID-19 testing and prescription delivery. Rules Are Decreasing: Federal amendments introduced by the CARES Act have an impact on how telemedicine services are delivered and paid for. The HIPAA rules governing telemedicine have been temporarily loosened, and several states have eliminated the requirements for physician licensure. Firms are Increasing Coverage: Prior to COVID-19, the majority of employers provided full-time employees with access to telemedicine as part of their benefits package. However, due to the epidemic, almost half of companies have increased their healthcare benefits. The importance of mental health is shown by the fact that, according to SHRM, nearly half of employees report feeling burned out during COVID-19 due to work-related issues. In these stressful times, the necessity for online mental health counselling is of the utmost importance. Costs Play a Significant Role: When deciding on healthcare benefits for the upcoming year, cost savings are a consideration for 57% of companies surveyed by Health Connect 24x7 in 2022. Employers can save money by diverting healthcare expenditure away from more expensive options like the emergency room or urgent care centres and toward telemedicine. Employees Must Be Happy: At the end of the day, telemedicine providers need to wow their clientele's staff members. Healthcare is made possible via telemedicine, and like with other 21st-century technology, users expect quick response times and straightforward user interfaces. When workers have a good experience, they tell their friends, family, and coworkers about it.

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The risks of searching your symptoms on Google

Searching for symptoms on Google can be risky Like one in ten Nigerians, you may have used Dr. Google to do a self-examination. What's causing my leg to still hurt? Should I visit a doctor about this strange dry skin patch? Google is always available. Right, they're always there to listen to your symptoms and spit out a precise, medically accurate diagnosis in a matter of seconds. Wrong! These free online medical symptom checkers, according to a Harvard Medical School study, frequently incorrect. Only 34% of the time did the right diagnosis come up first. They create pointless doctor's appointments that waste time and money. Symptom checkers recommended in-person care in two-thirds of situations where it wasn't necessary to seek medical help. Your health could suffer as a result. According to researchers, using the internet to look for medical information can cause "hypochondriasis" and "cyberchondria." This is a polite way of saying that you'll become more nervous by Googling your symptoms. What should you do as a result? Talk to a real human, talk to a doctor! Your health is particular to you, and you should be able to express yourself freely. A Health Connect 24x7 medical practitioner will be aware of how to approach your symptoms and how your past medical experiences may have an impact on how you are feeling. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action for you, whether it be a prescription, a recommendation to seek out in-person care, or just some good old-fashioned rest and chicken soup. Doctors at Health Connect 24x7 have encountered everything and can respond to inquiries like: If I'm pregnant, can I take Pepto-Bismol? " Are these the symptoms of heartburn? I need an x-ray; should I visit the ER? Is this lump something to worry about? Why fret over frightening and perplexing search results when you can get a response from a genuine doctor in MINUTES? Now is the time to retire, Dr. Google. It's dangerous to your health if you frequently Google your symptoms. Consult a doctor for a reasonable fee at Health Connect 24x7. Call Now! 08000432584

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Why should an employer provide primary care via telemedicine?

Why should a business offer telemedicine for primary care? The use of virtual primary care can enhance members' health and cut down on insurance claim costs for employer-sponsored health plans. Why should a company provide virtual primary care to employees, aside from enhancing access to dependable, affordable treatment? Let's examine the health concerns facing both employers and employees. Reasons for the ill-health of employees and the high cost of claims There is a correlation between poor employee health and high insurance premiums. 5% of plan participants account for 50% of health plan costs. A further factor driving health plan prices is that 20% of members account for 80% of costs. Health care expenses for these health plan participants exceed $50,000 annually. The three diagnostic subgroups that these high-cost claimants often belong to are as follows: Musculoskeletal (e.g., major joint and spine surgery) Cardiovascular (e.g., heart attack or peripheral vascular disease) Cancer (e.g., breast cancer, colon cancer, or lung cancer) According to our analysis of their claims, these people had either few or no claims before their catastrophic health incident. The majority suddenly exploded out of nowhere rather than growing over time to become high-cost claimants. Why is that so? Low Utilization of Primary Care A primary care physician has not been seen by 70% of Nigerian individuals in the last two years. As a result, untreated back pain and arthritis can result in expensive surgeries and musculoskeletal claims. Large cardiovascular claims are caused by untreated diabetes, hypertension, and excessive cholesterol. Because of inadequate screening, early-stage malignancies go undiagnosed and progress to metastatic disease. Primary care, on the other hand, has been shown to reduce healthcare costs by 33% and the risk of death by 18%. Why don't employees use primary care if it's so good? Low In-Person Primary Care Utilization Is Caused by Convenience and Limited Access Attending a doctor's appointment is really annoying. Patients must make the trip there, navigate the traffic, find parking, wait in the waiting area, and then wait in the exam room for what is frequently a 5-to 15-minute visit. A doctor's appointment takes half a day to complete. To make the visit possible, patients frequently need to make childcare arrangements and take time off work. Many people decide against visiting the doctor since the hassle is simply too much for them. It's challenging for patients who wish to visit a primary care physician to schedule a new patient appointment. A patient must wait 24 days for a new patient appointment in major American cities. It's even worse in mid-sized cities; a patient must wait an average of 32 days. What Help Can Virtual Primary Care Provide? Electronic Primary Care for Early Disease Diagnosis and Treatment to Prevent Catastrophic Disease: By treating arthritis with non-narcotic painkillers, making recommendations for in-person physical therapy, or offering weight loss advice, virtual primary care physicians can reduce musculoskeletal claims. Additionally, a lot of people with arthritis-related chronic pain also struggle with mental health issues like despair and anxiety, which makes their medical condition more complicated. Virtual primary care physicians are able to identify and treat depression and anxiety as well. Diabetes can be identified and treated by online primary care physicians to halt cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and blindness. A blood glucose test is used to detect diabetes, and it can be requested by a virtual primary care physician and conducted by the patient at a nearby in-network lab like Quest or LabCorp. Long-recognized, reasonably priced generic drugs like metformin and glipizide are used to treat diabetes. Hemoglobin A1c blood testing, which the virtual primary care physician can also request from a nearby lab, is another blood test that tracks diabetes control over time. In addition to lab work and medication, virtual primary care enables clinicians to see diabetes patients more frequently and for longer periods of time to advise them on food, exercise, weight loss, and early indicators of the condition. Through monitoring, medicine, and lifestyle changes, a person with diabetes can live a long, healthy life and even reverse the condition. Virtual primary care physicians can help oversee Nigerian health issues, prevent a high level of casualties, and reduce cancer screenings to some extent by detecting and removing precancerous growths and treating cancer earlier while it is still treatable. According to age, virtual primary care physicians recommend patients to gastroenterologists for screening colonoscopies. A colonoscopy not only checks for colon cancer but also has the added benefit of removing precancerous colon polyps. Colonoscopies thwart the onset of cancer. In order to screen women for breast cancer, virtual primary care physicians can also request mammograms at nearby, in-network imaging facilities. Half of all breast cancers affect women under the age of 62, and 1 in 8 women will develop the disease. Women must undergo screening at the right age and frequency in order to detect breast cancer early when it is still treatable. Summary Employers can improve the lives of their workers and their families while also bringing down the cost of healthcare. The most important thing is primary care, and virtual primary care is a great way to get that. Health Connect 24x7 can assist organisations in offering virtual primary care to their employees at a fraction of the cost.

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11 Tips for eating healthily in restaurants

11 ways about how to have a healthy food in a restaurant? Make sure that your favourite restaurant of all time is a healthy one. Bethenny Frankel @Bethenny says and I quote, "Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” Eating out at restaurants has proven to be one of the hardest things I've encountered when attempting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Eating out can seem like a step backwards after working so hard at home to adhere to healthy eating principles. In restaurants, it's unlikely that you will be able to avoid unhealthy components like butter, salt, and a lot of saturated fats or know exactly what is in your food. You could respond, "Well, then, I just won't eat out." But in all honesty, it's just not going to happen. Dining out is enjoyable, social, and novel. Eating out at restaurants has proven to be one of the hardest things I've encountered when attempting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Eating out can seem like a step backwards after working so hard at home to adhere to healthy eating principles. In restaurants, it's unlikely that you will be able to avoid unhealthy components like butter, salt, and a lot of saturated fats or know exactly what is in your food. You could respond, "Well, then, I just won't eat out." But in all honesty, it's just not going to happen. Dining out is enjoyable, social, and novel.   Here are my top recommendations for eating healthily at restaurants. I can prove to you that it is feasible. Let me explain. 1. Check the menu first. Look for words on the menu that give away what to order or not. Here are some instances of the most frequent offenders: pan-fried, crispy, dipped, scalloped, breaded, cream, alfredo These terms frequently indicate that there is a lot of salt and fat in the dish. Instead, search for menu items with the following set of words: grilled, steamed, baked, roasted, braised, broiled, seared 2. Dine in meat. Lean meat is an excellent choice to order because it is packed with protein. Choose thinner cuts of beef when ordering meat (great options include flank steak, skirt steak, tenderloin, sirloin, or fillet mignon). When in doubt, chicken, especially chicken breast, is a fantastic source of high protein and low fat. You won't need to consume a lot of empty-calorie carbohydrates like spaghetti or bread to feel content and full after eating meat. 3. Buy fish. As long as it isn't fried, fish is a fantastic option. Seafood can be prepared in a huge variety of ways, including steamed, blackened, baked, broiled, sautéed, or grilled. I prefer grilled food. Similar to meat, fish enables you to consume protein, eat wholesome meals, and stay away from foods high in carbs and bad fats. Even while it could be more expensive, it's frequently a fantastic option on the menu, especially if it's fresh seafood. 4. Stay hydrated throughout the meal. Make every effort to get accustomed to drinking water as your primary drink. Drinking water will help you eat slower and appreciate your food more. It will also enable your brain to get the signal that you are full, preventing you from overeating before your plate is completely gone. If you think plain water is too monotonous, ask for a slice of lemon. You can also wait to place your second drink order until after you've finished your first glass of water if you want to ease into drinking only water. 5. Avoid the pricey drinks. Avoid margaritas, pia coladas, and other unusual mixed beverages if you must order alcohol. They contain processed sweets and tastes, as well as sugary additives that pack on the calories. Order a vodka and tonic, a basic martini, a glass of wine, a light lager, or a substitute. These choices will be better for your efforts to eat healthily, particularly if you decide not to drink as frequently.       6. Request a box for half of your meal BEFORE it is brought to the table. Did you know that restaurants frequently provide two to three times the regular serving size?  Next time, request a box for half of your meal BEFORE it is brought to the table. You'll save money and calories by doing this. Although it may sound strange, it makes a ton of sense. If you'd like, you can also share a meal with someone else. 7. Go for these treats. Desserts can be a significant letdown if you're trying to eat healthy even though they're a delightful aspect of dining out. There are numerous options available if you wish to treat yourself to a dessert. One dessert for the table is my favourite thing to order. In this manner, you avoid eating the entire dessert and feeling miserable. As an alternative, you take a few nibbles and indulge your sweet desire. Ask your waiter for a straightforward plate of berries or a fruit sorbet if you'd prefer not to share. 8. Don't be embarrassed to question. Similar to the last suggestion, I strongly advise you to ask the waiter or waitress about the food's preparation if you have any queries. Only by asking will you be confident of the ingredients in your food. This really translates to hundreds of extra calories and loads of fat. Is it unpleasant? A little bit at beginning, but it is your job to understand what you are putting into your body, and it is the obligation of your waiter to understand what is in the meal they are serving. I swear, the more questions you have, the simpler everything gets! 9. Ask a few questions concerning preparation of the food. The truth is that chefs are taught to enhance flavours by using a lot of salt and butter. Obviously, it's delicious. They do this because most things taste better when you add butter or salt, which makes the client happy and leads to further sales. Your health is not their priority. To serve you delicious cuisine is their purpose. Ask your waitress how the food was cooked if you have any concerns about the amount of salt or butter in your meal. If you discover that something you want has a lot of butter or oil in it, either request that it be made differently or make a new choice. 10. Request that the vegetables get doubled or tripled. Let's be sincere. In restaurants, a side of veggies is frequently more of a garnish than a full serving. When placing an order, request double or triple the usual serving of vegetables and offer to pay more (most of the time, you won't be charged). To discover what choices the restaurant has, you may also check out the Sides section of the menu. Make sure to request that the vegetables NOT be cooked in butter when you order them because it is a significant problem that they get cooked in a lot of butter. This is a simple technique to avoid consuming extra calories and fat. 11. Be multicultural. There are some ethnic food selections that are simpler to consume healthily than others, such as Japanese, Thai, Greek, and Indian restaurants (like Mexican, Chinese, or Italian restaurants). Even though you can eat healthily at any restaurant, the first few options make it simpler because they provide grilled meats, fewer pastas and/or noodles, and other non-fried options. The other varieties of restaurants are not entirely off limits, though. Just be aware that finding what you're looking for can be a little difficult, which means your selections will be constrained.         By choosing to eat at healthy fast food restaurants will allow you to save time and actively involved in other favourite activities while still enjoying your healthy food at the healthy restaurant.   Don't let going out to eat for lunch or dinner destroy your efforts to eat healthily. #BethennyFrankel #healthyfood #diet #restaurant #fastfood #healthconnect247

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7 ways electric light might harm your health and sleep

7 ways electric light can affect your sleep and your health Depending on the time you expose yourself to light, it might either help or hurt your ability to sleep. To maintain synchronization within the 24-hour cycle, the circadian rhythm, our body's internal clock that controls sleep-wake cycles and other processes, principally depends on light and darkness. While light exposure throughout the day tells your brain to stay awake and attentive, it can interfere with your body's nighttime wind-down process. Here is a brief explanation of light, how exposure to it affects sleep, and strategies for managing it. What Is Exposure to Light? The "strongest time cue to the circadian clock that keeps these rhythms entrained to the 24 hour a day," according to experts, is light. In other words, light enables the body's clock to function around-the-clock. The circadian rhythm is influenced by light from the sun and artificial lighting (light generated by electricity). Our bodies' capacity to relax, engage in deep sleep, or be active can be affected by the amount of time we spend exposed to these light sources. Unlike the sun, which only shines during the day and sets at night, artificial light can be exposed to us continuously. Our circadian rhythm may become out of phase with the 24-hour clock when this occurs. It's possible that this discordance will have a negative impact on our health, especially our sleep. How Does Sleep Quality Affect Light Exposure? In reaction to darkness, the brain releases melatonin, a hormone that supports the circadian rhythm. Melatonin production increases in response to darkness and decreases in response to light, especially in the morning. In part, melatonin controls our circadian cycle to get us ready for bed. Melatonin production is suppressed at night, interfering with the body's signal to unwind and prepare for sleep. Low melatonin synthesis may be linked to disorders like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, impaired cognition, and sleep deprivation, according to research. Our body is most sensitive to shorter wavelength blue light, according to study. Sadly, blue light is emitted by a lot of devices, including laptops, phones, televisions, tablets, and certain home lighting. Two hours before bedtime, exposure to bright light delays sleep and wake times, according to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC). In contrast, early morning sunshine pushes back sleep and wake times. Bright light of all wavelengths may also make us feel alert and impede our ability to wind down and get ready for sleep. It makes sense that a 2013 study found that because electric light is available to humans around-the-clock, it reduces our exposure to sunshine and increases our exposure to artificial light at night, which may lead to circadian rhythm misalignment and a lack of sleep. Similar to this, a 2019 study reveals that even low-intensity blue light exposure may harm sleep health by interfering with sleep lengths, circadian rhythm, and quality. According to a different study, limiting light exposure after sunset may enhance both the duration and quality of sleep. Basically, exposure to light or a lack of darkness at night can mess with the body's internal clock, disrupt it, and interfere with both the quantity and quality of sleep. But light exposure during sleep may also have an adverse effect on health, so it's not just light before bed that affects sleep. For instance, a recent study discovered that even somewhat dim light left on throughout the night can harm our cardioembolic system by raising our heart rates at night and causing insulin resistance. Advice on Controlling Light Exposure As it rises during the day to keep us alert and active when we should, and sets in the evening to allow our bodies to settle down and rest, sunlight supports the pace of our circadian rhythm. 1. To cut down on nighttime light, install window coverings or blackout blinds. Having black-out window coverings thick enough to block light and well-fitted to prevent slivers of street light or early morning sunlight from filtering in is one technique to attain complete darkness after shutting off all the lights in your bedroom. The bedroom should be absolutely dark for the body to fall and stay asleep. No lights are present to occupy your attention or keep you awake. Like sunlight, artificial light keeps us alert and active. Contrary to sunlight, it is always present to us, even when we ought to be unwinding and getting ready for bed. Artificial light exposure 24 hours a day can interfere with your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. Here are some suggestions to help you control your exposure to light. A study conducted in 2021 found that improved curtains with higher light-blocking abilities helped sailors, whose sleep quality is typically compromised by ambient light, experience less daytime tiredness and insomnia symptoms. 2. Put on Eye Mask. An eye mask can help you get the perfect amount of darkness for sleep, especially if you can't regulate the lighting in your room. It is a safe, non-addictive sleep aid. You can use an eye mask anytime you want and wherever you are, and they are inexpensive. Once you're ready to go to bed, simply put them on to create total darkness. According to a study from 2021, eye masks and earplugs can considerably improve the quality, quantity, and REM sleep while lowering nightly awakenings and sleep disruptions. A similar study discovered that using earplugs and eye masks enhanced patients' perceived sleep quality in the intensive care unit (ICU). 3. Reduce lighting before bed. According to studies, room lighting has a substantial impact on melatonin production. Exposure before bed can suppress melatonin and have an impact on drowsiness and the quality of your sleep. Therefore, to avoid the negative effects of bright light on sleep and circadian rhythm, attempt to reduce your room's lights or turn them off completely before going to bed. 4. Clear the bedroom of all electronics. Keeping electronic equipment in your bedroom at night, such as your computer, television, and other lighting sources, is another approach to turn your room into a peaceful place to sleep. Evidence suggests that late-night light exposure from electric lights and gadgets can lessen drowsiness and interfere with the quality of sleep. 5. Obtain Sunlight Throughout the Day. The circadian rhythm is synchronised with the 24-hour clock with the aid of sunlight. By exposing yourself to sunlight during the day, you can improve the health of your sleep and the strength of your sleep-wake cycles. For instance, a 2015 study suggests that increasing elderly women's exposure to indoor morning light may enhance their quality of sleep. Similar to this, a 2017 study discovered that seniors may benefit from direct sunshine between 8 and 10 in the morning for better sleep. To maintain your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep, experts advise getting some sunshine exposure, ideally within the first hour or two of waking up. 6. Wear blue-light-blocking glasses. Let's say you have to use your PCs or other blue-light emitting equipment into the wee hours of the night. Given its effect on melatonin, you can then purchase blue light glasses to reduce the quantity of blue light you are exposed to. According to a 2017 study, compared to transparent lenses, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses two hours prior to bedtime significantly improved sleep quality, duration, and symptoms of insomnia. Similar findings from a 2016 study showed that participants who wore blue-blocking eyewear while using electronic devices two hours prior to bedtime experienced increased levels of drowsiness and sleep efficiency as well as quicker sleep onset than the control group. Another study discovered that wearing blue-blocking glasses boosted melatonin levels, subjective total sleep time, and sleep quality. 7. Minimise your screen time. When you expose yourself to blue light from computers and phones at night, it can hinder the creation of melatonin and impair your ability to fall asleep. Blue light exposure is probably a contributing factor, but so is the stimulating nature of using technological devices. According to a study published in 2020, frequent screen use is linked to issues with falling asleep, nighttime awakenings, getting enough sleep, and having poor-quality sleep. Researchers provide the following examples of how screen light impacts sleep: It might raise arousal levels and lessen daytime sleepiness. It may slow down the circadian clock and postpone sleep, which will result in shorter sleep duration. So, you can limit your nighttime screen time to lessen your exposure to light from screens. Your screen time might be decreased by; Uninstalling or blocking the apps you use a lot in the evening. Enabling notifications to stop you from checking your phone all the time. Making your phone's screen less appealing to the eye by setting it to grayscale. Avoiding using electronics where you spend your evenings. Final Thoughts on How to Reduce Light Exposure. Your sleep health can be dramatically enhanced by controlling your light exposure. Start by prioritising a dark sleeping environment and minimising your exposure to blue light-emitting devices if you've been having trouble sleeping. Do you have more queries concerning illumination and restful sleep? Tweet us right now! @hc24x7

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How doing what you love can improve your health?

How following your passion can lead to better health? Here's why: Reasons to love what you do Having an activity you love requires stepping out of your comfort zone and facing your fears. It's more important to enjoy what you do and your pathway than to earn a high salary or flashy title. While most people have dreams of retiring at a later age than when they were working. This is due to the fact that most people are not satisfied with their jobs. This is why the purpose of this article is to look at the ways in which loving your lifestyle can help you live longer. Laying the foundations of a happy work life will ensure that you will have a long and healthy life. Love your job. This may be easier said than done, but it is extremely important if you want to live longer. If you enjoy your job, you will be more likely to put in extra effort and keep yourself healthy. This is because you will not feel like you are living a life that is not fulfilling. It is the first step to achieving this that is important. If you are struggling to find the time to do the things that you want to do, you will not be able to achieve this. What do you love to do? Do you enjoy working with people? Maybe you love to write or sing. Whether you like to craft or repair, appreciate the arts or are passionate about animal welfare, there is likely a career path for you. But you must also consider your age, your past work experience, your current salary, and other factors when deciding which career path is best for you. This week, I'm sharing four reasons to switch careers. Your salary The first consideration you need to make is how much you want to earn. When you first start out, you might be able to live on a =N=18,400,000 salary per annum. Reasons to do what you love 1. You'll grow professionally. 2. You'll be able to choose your career path. 3. You'll meet new people. 4. You'll be able to find a job you really love. You'll grow professionally. Doing what you love means that you'll be able to pursue your professional goals. People who work at jobs they love tend to be happier and more productive. They are more likely to be enthusiastic, and they are more likely to take risks, and this will help them climb the ladder of success. If you love what you do, you'll be more motivated and focused. You'll be more confident, and you'll have better skills and knowledge. This will help you be more successful at your job. You'll bond with your colleagues and your co-workers. You'll have a career that makes sense. 2. You’ll be more productive. You'll be more productive, too. You probably already know how much more productive you are when you're happy. Your productivity is directly affected by your level of happiness. And happier people tend to be more productive. People who are happy and productive tend to enjoy what they do. Happiness also helps you to be more productive. We usually become more productive when we're happy. Don't wait for a raise. If you're unhappy, take the initiative and take steps to change your situation. You have the power to change your life. You can make a difference in your life by changing your environment. Happiness also leads to increased productivity, said Kitty Feudin, co-author of the book "Lifetime of Happiness." Happiness leads to productivity; it fuels productivity. We're just more productive when we're happy, said Feudin. 3. You’ll inspire others. One of the biggest motivations to start a business comes from the desire to spread your message. People want to be inspired by you and what you do. It's the reason why most people work for their dreams. They want to inspire others. People who are passionate about their work are considered to be leaders, said Sharon Mehrabi, CEO and co-founder of foundr.com. When you are passionate about a job, you are more likely to have the drive to succeed, while the drive to succeed is the motivation for you to do what you love. When you are passionate about a career, it becomes a calling. This is why people who work their whole lives in the same job rarely feel fulfilled. 4. YOU’LL BE MORE INSPIRED. When you're happy with your work, you're more likely to be inspired by your colleagues and the business at large. A happy person is more likely to be inspired. You are more likely to be inspired when you’re happy. You’re more likely to be inspired when you’re having fun. And you’re more likely to be inspired when you have a positive outlook. If you work at a job you love, you may be inspired. It's not uncommon to see people inspired by the work environment. It's not unusual for people to be inspired by the things they do in their free time. When you're happy, you're more likely to be inspired. Don't forget that by setting an example, remember to remind someone about how to balance work with life and lead a healthy life.

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